Chapter Forty

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I do not know why I do it, but I message Lila, not that she cares about me. However, I do care about her

Got the prescription from Dr Greene

Are the nightmares back?. She responds a second later

She does not normally respond this quick; I glance to the time on the wall in the living room, and see that it is lunch time, which makes sense

I decide to answer her truthfully

Yeah, it is worse than before

Any unusual stressors or anything?

Nope I answer. I know Dr Greene asked me the same question, but it is just annoying when he asks me the questions

Lila does not type back; I imagine she is probably frowning, finger tapping at her lip as she thinks of this. Maybe this boggles her mind. It boggles my mind too. Nevertheless, I do not offer up any more information. I am not her problem anymore, she made sure of that.

I have also been meaning to say, that I had no idea that you and Elias knew each other or were seeing each other

I had just about been ready to put my phone away, but the moment the text came through and i saw Elias name in her text, I opened up the message so fast, no hesitation whatsoever

???. I type back. Lila needs to tell me everything. I pray she does as I see the bubbles move on the screen

Yeah, it was a while back, maybe a couple of weeks ago, he told me that you knew each other from university and you even saw each other once in my office once. Reads her text

Yeah. I respond, giving nothing away. And also because that is all I'm willing to say to her

I see the bubbles on the screen start to move again. I hold my breath, not really sure where this is going, or what is coming next

Is everything okay Amber? She asks

My heart is leaping out of my chest, did he tell her something? Why is she asking if I am okay?

Why were you talking about me? I ask instead. Surely, that is a normal question to ask right. When you found out someone was talking about you

Elias mentioned he was seeing someone, so I just asked some follow up questions, and then it came out that it was you. I actually recall now you telling me you were seeing somebody as well, I had no idea he was the one you were seeing

He told her he was seeing me? so did that mean he had been serious about us? Why are you even thinking about him? No, I have not forgotten what he did, but I am also the one who aggravated him, I mean it is not like he hit me, - technically.

I just have been having a hard time forgetting about it. But at the same time, I hadn't really been thinking about him as much, mainly because I have had other things to worry about. Although I have put on my phone now so that I can get messages, I have just blocked him so that he does not have access to me

Guess there is a lot you do not know about me I text back, unable to help myself

Lila does not even send a laughing face back; clearly, she does not appreciate my humor

I thought I would check in about it, as he cited that he was worried about you

This statement of Lila's makes sense, as it is not like Lila to talk about something that someone else has said, it is her job after all not to, but she had reason to believe that she could check up on me, so she did. Irrespective of all this, it still shocks me

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