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    Is the end of the world scary?

    Undoubtedly, the end times with frequent natural disasters are terrifying. What is even more terrifying is that human beings not only have to face various disasters, but also deal with mutated animals and plants, making life very difficult.

 Almost two-thirds of the people on the earth disappeared in the fight against various disasters and in various battles. Unexpectedly, just as the crustal movement eased up, the little ice river came again.

 The extremely cold Little Ice Age was already very difficult, and many people would freeze to death every day, and during this period, the crustal movement did not completely stop, and disasters never stopped.

 In the early days of the end of the world, many large-scale settlements were established by the authorities, but unfortunately none survived. In the face of natural disasters, no strong building can withstand the devastating crustal movement.

 The point is that there are no rules to follow. It is obvious that it is not an earthquake zone, but an earthquake occurs, and it is obviously not a crater, but a sudden volcanic eruption underground. Scientific methods are useless.

 Fortunately, after the end of the world, various supernatural beings continue to appear. The rare prophecy-like supernatural powers and the rare perception-like supernatural powers have helped the surviving human beings to avoid disasters again and again, and they have also left a kind of fire for human beings.

 From the fifth year of the end of the world, the frequency of disasters gradually decreased and then stabilized, and the people who were struggling to live were relieved, and then some large and small fixed gathering places appeared.

 In fact, few of the people who have been able to carry it to the present are weak, and basically all of them are supernatural powers, but some supernatural powers are not suitable for fighting, such as plant supernatural powers.

 The fighting power of the plant system is not high at the beginning, but if there are no plant system supernatural beings, fewer people will survive. If you want to survive, eating is very important.

 Although the remaining population of the world is less than 1% of the total population before the end of the world, under normal circumstances, the earth has enough supplies for the surviving people for many years.

 But that has to be found. Most of the items were destroyed in the disaster or buried deep in the ground. Not many can be found and still be used.

 It has been more than six years since the end of the world, and many foods are expired and cannot be eaten, except for those who are not afraid of death. Now it is the Little Ice Age, and it is freezing everywhere, and there are no plant-type superpowers. How many people may starve to death.

 It doesn't mean that only plant-type people are enough. In the early stage, plant-type superpowers are very weak. Without a good environment, the food they grow is just enough for their own consumption.

 Shortly after Little Ice River, supernatural beings of various departments began to cooperate. The metal department was responsible for building the action greenhouse, the soil department was responsible for digging the soil, the water department was responsible for watering, and the fire department and thunder department were responsible for heating.

 Among the survivors, the five-element abilities are the most, and the thunder-element is slightly less, but not much less, so even before the stability, the various mobile bases are not short of food.

 Apart from prophecy, the least types of powers are space-type. Space-type powers are the most precious. During the migration process, the protection of space powers is the most important thing.

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