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Shen Yu agrees with the character of the villain couple, which is why he is willing to continue to cooperate with them.

 He is not surprised that Feng Qing will treat another person conveniently, he can tell from his fees, his fees are much more expensive than other therapists, but while others are treating injuries, he is saving lives.

 The number of healers in the post-apocalyptic world is not small. Feng Qing's type of healer is quite rare, even rarer than those with prophecy and space abilities. Otherwise, Gu Qing's sense of superiority would not be so strong.

 Feng Qing naturally knew that he was special, otherwise he wouldn't have erected such crazy billboards in front of other people's bases, but he had his principles, and he felt that it would be a lot to accept them.

 The remaining energy of the crystal nucleus is limited, and Feng Qing did not completely heal the person, but in terms of the severity of the injury, the remaining injury is considered a minor injury, and it will be fine after two days of treatment.

 The injuries were almost healed, but the face of the person in the car didn't recover at all, and it was getting worse, "Thank you." It wasn't the injuries that killed him.

 Feng Qing felt that the luck of this group of people was really good, but if they came an hour late, the two of them would be dead, "Give out two more fourth-level crystal nuclei to help you detoxify.

 " The wounded's eyes lit up, and several people outside the car also jumped up happily, "I'll get the crystal nucleus." The soldier who had just started ran directly to the base, believing it without asking anything.

 The speed of a fourth-level physical fighter is not much worse than that of a speed ability below the third level. In a few seconds, the shadow can't be seen.

 "Young Master Shen, I've accepted a business deal for you, let me borrow a sofa to sit on." He was already leaning on Yan Yun's body, so he was too lazy to stand up.

 Shen Yu no longer cared about the title of Young Master Shen, anyway, he was not going to change his way of doing things, the young master was the young master, what he cared about was the detoxification that Feng Qing said.

 Since Feng Qing said he was helping him earn a little money, and he also talked about detoxification, he would be stupid if he couldn't guess what Feng Qing was referring to.

 A therapist can heal wounds, but cannot detoxify. Detoxification still depends on technological means. Unfortunately, in the last days, some mutated animals and plants are too poisonous, and there is no chance for people to treat them.

 It is said that there is a mutated fruit that can cure all poisons. He really did not expect that the mutated tree that Yi Han knocked down would be a thousand poisonous fruit tree.

 Feng Qing said that two fourth-level crystal nuclei helped detoxify, and the third-level thousand poisonous fruits were not worth the price, and there were no mutant plants above the third level in his botanical garden.

 Although he will be a villain in the future, his acting style will change a bit, but Feng Qing is still very upright now, and he will never sell two crystal cores for the price of a third-level mutant fruit, so it is not difficult to guess.

 Few people know what the thousand poisonous fruit tree looks like, and it is not even mentioned in the book. If Yi Han hit the tree, it is not difficult to guess the whereabouts of the thousand poisonous fruit in the book. Not too many fruits.

 The book mentioned trees and leaves, which were used by Gu Feng's team to exchange points for the Zhenlong Base. The value is not low, but when calculated, it is only the price of a fourth-level crystal nucleus.

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