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Ouyang Li put Xie Tian down and went home. After he left, Yi Han couldn't help but started to squirm, "We changed the plot unintentionally. Who would have thought that Xie Tian's father is actually Ouyang Li."

     "Yes. , who would have thought of that." It was the first time Yan Yun replied to the message so quickly, and he still cared about the person who killed him in the plot.

 "It means that Xie Tian and his mother are the murdered wife and children?" Feng Qing hadn't gotten up yet, so he really didn't know what was going on outside.

 "It should be. According to the timeline, it just matches. If we didn't come unexpectedly and alarm the prophet, this should have happened the night before yesterday." Yi Han analyzed.

 The time of this plot is a bit vague, it only says that when Ouyang Li came back from his mission, his wife and children had been dead for more than 20 hours, they were raped and murdered, based on the time he came back, it should be the night before.

 As mentioned in the book, before Ouyang Li's family went to the foreign base, this incident had already happened once, but the murderer was not found. Zhenlong suppressed it for fear of causing panic in the foreign base. thing.

 Ouyang Li is a person with special perception abilities. He found out the hidden murderer in less than a day, but because he couldn't produce the so-called evidence, Zhenlong refused to hand over the murderer no matter what.

 Zhenlong refused to acknowledge his investigation and refused to give him an explanation, so he found an opportunity to make a move on his own. Unfortunately, his fighting ability was much worse than that of the murderer. Not only did he fail to take revenge, he was almost killed.

 When Yuan Qing returned to Zhenlong with his subordinates and the autistic Zaizai, he happened to catch up, and after asking the reason, he directly asked his subordinates to kill the murderer. In his words, he hated this kind of person the most.

 This murderer is indeed very powerful in Zhenlong. He is the concubine of the prophet Chen Ping. For her own reputation, she also wants to keep him.

 Regardless of Yuan Qing's character, what he did was indeed to please people's hearts, and it was a typical example of using power to overwhelm people. Even if he killed people, Chen Ping couldn't do anything to him.

 Of course, there is no Yuan Qing now, but that disgusting thing has not survived, and Yu She solved it together last night, otherwise neither Yi Han nor Yan Yun would let him go after thinking about it.

 Before meddling in other people's business, you must first have time and remember it. If they hadn't met Ouyang Li today, they might not have been able to remember it.

 "Fortunately, nothing happened." Shen Yu only saw the message. If it was a child they knew who discovered this misfortune, he really couldn't accept it.

 Feng Qing and Yan Yun felt a little less, because based on the timeline, when they knew the plot, things should have happened, and Yi Han was similar, so he didn't watch it in such detail.

 If Xie Tian really had anything, then Shen Yu would feel guilty. He was only concerned about his own affairs at that time, so he couldn't remember the irrelevant pair of symbolic mother and child in the plot.

 He didn't know that Xie Tian's surname was Ouyang, and naturally he wouldn't think that Ouyang Li's wife and children were the two of them, so he was glad that if the symbols were replaced by people with impressions, the feeling would be different.

 "Thinking of the good, a master who will join the enemy in the future has already entered our circle. This is definitely a good thing!" Feng Dump was very optimistic.

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