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Although he didn't accept it, Qi Shuangxue didn't take Xie Tian away immediately, but helped feed the mutant beast, and helped prepare lunch and dinner for cats and dogs before taking Xie Tian away. time.

 "Thank you, mother is back. How is it? How much did you earn?" When she received this job, there were countless people who were jealous. Even women in the last days had gossips.

 "Oh, thank you, I accidentally broke someone's vase just now, all my earnings today were deducted, and I didn't have any work to do." Qi Shuangxue put on a bitter face.

 In fact, Yi Han gave her a first-level crystal nucleus, not only didn't give less, but also gave too much, she was too embarrassed, and only helped to deal with the cat and dog's dinner before she left, so she couldn't take advantage of others too much.

 Because Xie Tian was specifically told by her before he came out, and he was really depressed and couldn't play with his friends anymore. He was really uncomfortable, so the people who saw it didn't doubt it.

 It was really bad luck that made people feel more sympathetic, "This family is too much, it's the end of the world, and there are still vases in the house, can't it be intentional?" She even reported the injustice.

 "I've heard that this family lives a very delicate life. What are vases? Look at the windows of their house. How many points will it cost to buy them? Fortunately, it's not the windows that are good or bad, otherwise your family will be miserable." Qi Shuangxue nodded approvingly

 . , "That's right, luckily it's not a window, otherwise our family really can't afford it, let's not talk about it, let's go home and rest for a while, it's been a tiring and exhausting day." No one stopped her now

 , After she brought Xie Tian home, word of her family's offending people was spread, no matter what time it was, rumors spread the fastest.

 Yi Han was not worried that Qi Shuangxue would not be able to deal with this problem. To put it bluntly, he and Shen Yu were far worse than others in terms of worldly sophistication or dealing with people. They were the real, stupid and sweet.

 This day was destined to be unsettled. In the afternoon, many people came here for reconnaissance. The main reason was that Chen Ping, who received the prophecy again, raised her stake and persuaded some members of the patrol team.

 Feng Nan knew about it, and even acquiesced in it. If he gave the order to die, no member of the patrol team would dare to disobey him. His prestige in the patrol team was still quite high.

 The members of the Zhenlong Patrol Team are all Level 3, and they fight tacitly. If they sneak attack at night, the success rate is indeed much higher, but Chen Ping can't wait anymore, probably because the world can't wait anymore.

 If Yi Han's father came over, it would be too late for him to act, but the prophecy didn't tell her what was going on, but urged her to act as soon as possible, but she was very obedient and really acted ahead of time.

 In fact, the foundation of the Zhenlong base is pretty good. There are only two hundred people with third-level combat abilities, and most of them belong to the patrol team, but there are also fifty or sixty people in civil organizations.

 Excluding those who were absent and those who were not persuaded, she actually found more than 20 people, which is not a small number. Including more than 50 people from the patrol team, it was exactly 80 people.

 Big cats are the first to discover something is wrong, and mutant beasts have no spiritual power, but animals and characters have different senses, and they can always spot danger one step ahead of humans.

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