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Both sides of the main road at the gate of the base can be regarded as market streets, and there are stores on both sides. All businesses in the base set up shops here, such as clothing stores, barber shops and so on.

 The two largest of them are the base's own stores, one is a food store, and the other is a home appliance store. These two stores only accept points for redemption, and cannot exchange items.

 Although there are also small private stalls where residents of the base temporarily come to set up stalls, but these stalls also have to pay a stall fee, which is not cheap, so there are not many people who come to set up stalls.

 The daily life in the success base is privately owned, and everything else is publicly owned. That is to say, everyone cares about clothing, food, etc., but work and going out to do tasks must obey the collective arrangement.

 Most of the management methods of the doomsday base are almost based on the point system. Only by working can you earn points. The state of no work and no food is similar to the collective system in the 1970s.

 Planting and breeding are all distributed according to work. The people in the base may not be rich, but they will not be hungry. Even if the conditions of every family are not good, it can guarantee that every family has two kinds of electrical appliances.

 One is the psychic pot, and the other is the psychic heater. Not everyone has the conditions to get the materials to warm the whole house. To have a psychic heater and a psychic pot is already much better than an ordinary base .

 There are not many materials that can absorb psionic energy in the last days, and they are basically used to make weapons and vehicles. Only a wealthy base can someone use the electrical appliances modified by the last days.

 Apart from other things, the success base is good in all aspects, regardless of Zhang Chenggong, the cohesion of the success base under his management is indeed strong, and the configuration of the base is indeed good.

 Zhang Chenggong also has a lot of power in the success base. After a person has tasted the taste of power, his ambition will become bigger. He can't tolerate people who are stronger than him, especially those who don't listen to him.

 A strong man like Yi Han who is free from management is the object of his fear. He would want to get rid of Yi Han, and it is not a surprise to say that it is an accident.

 Shen Yu and Yi Han would suffer such a big loss. To put it bluntly, it was because they took themselves too seriously, and Zhang Chenggong had already stopped taking them seriously, which was the result.

 Has Zhang Chenggong thought about it, after Yi Han's death, Shen Yu might turn against him, he must have thought about it, but as far as the current base is concerned, spatial abilities are not so important anymore, so he is not afraid of Shen Yu turning against him .

 The environment in the last days is ever-changing, who can guarantee that it will not change in the future, why did Zhang Chenggong support the couple in the past, but now he can't tolerate it anymore? It's not because he has a sister with the ability to predict.

 There is a big difference between those who perceive abilities and those who predict abilities. Those who perceive abilities can feel the strangeness from the changes in the air three days in advance, which is too early.

 The last time Shen Yu sensed an earthquake was a day ago. The escape of the entire base was very embarrassing. Fortunately, the earthquake was not large, and they did not suffer much loss, and no one died.

 Those with the ability to predict are different. Even the least capable predictor can get the prediction half a month in advance, and then accurately find a safe place to take refuge.

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