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The night of the migration was not so pleasant, the food was somewhat better than at noon, but the sleep was not so comfortable, even Shen Yu couldn't take out the villa for everyone to live in.

 At night, each guard is assigned a guard area. Even in the successful base, at most he doesn't sleep with others, but a family of three sleeps in a small tent, and he doesn't take the hut with him at any time.

 Of course, they don’t sleep too badly. The caravan is relatively big, and there are two sets of bunk beds that can be folded and folded at the back. When sleeping at night, the space in the middle of the top can be connected to sleep directly as a double bed.

 Feng Qing and Yan Yun sleep on it, and there are two beds on the bottom, one on the left and one on the right. The head of the left bed is pulled up and connected to the head of the right bed, which is Zai Zai's child's bed. The position of the child's bed is relatively high, so it will not hinder Bedside positions on both sides.

 He Jun and Yu She sleep in the living room in the middle, and the position in front of Pan Kai can also be changed, and it is easy to sleep with him alone. People who have lived for several years in the last days have a very good habit, that is, to sleep when they say it.

 The temporary base at night is always not peaceful, but after their criticism, the team has calmed down, because there are mouse treasures here, and the night watch mouse treasures are much more deterrent than the soldiers.

 In the first batch of teams in the capital base, there were not only two level 4 mutant beasts, but also several level 4 physical fighters. Their combat abilities were absolutely impeccable, so everyone slept soundly at night.

 Although there were no level four in the second batch, there was basically no danger in the second batch. The mutant beasts were either lured away by the first batch or killed, so they also slept soundly.

 Of the five groups of teams at the capital base, except for Yuan Qing's accident in the second group, the rest of the teams were very calm when they set off, including the last team.

 Yuan Guoqing set off in the fourth batch, and Yi Han was the leader of the fifth batch. Compared with the previous two teams, this team was much more relaxed, because the fifth batch only had people, and there were basically no supplies.

 Most of the fifth team were members of the search team who were not weak. They had few supplies and strong people, so it was quite easy to walk naturally.

 The base's mobile breeding greenhouses and supplies are in the third and fourth batches, and Yuan Guoqing's troops are also in the third and fourth teams. Their task is to escort the supplies.

 The proportion of Flying Eagle Troops in the third and fourth batches was the least, but the position is very important, and the guards are all under their command, and Yuan Guoqing's subordinates basically have no rights.

 This is Yuan Guoqing's own choice. He also has a group of masters under him, but he is afraid of losing, so he is unwilling to contribute. He Jun is quite despised by him. If he has not experienced wind and rain, he wants to see a rainbow. That is a dream. .

 He Jun would not be kind enough to remind him that members of the Flying Eagle Army were never afraid of fighting or taking responsibility. Yuan Guoqing was willing to give up the credit, and he was happy to accept it. The more such credits, the better.

 Yuan Guoqing may not be unable to see such disadvantages, but his subordinates really have no one who can take responsibility. If something happens, he really can't afford to lose it, and he dare not take credit for it.

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