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Although the friends are always with Zai Zai, and the pets are also there, but Zai Zai, who has never left the adults at home, is still depressed, does not go to play, and does not watch cartoons.

 He waited at the door every day, and then sent Shen Yu a message as soon as it was time for dinner, asking him if he would come back for dinner, but he didn't send it to Yi Han and He Jun, knowing that they were not at the base, so it was useless.

 Qi Shuangxue is very conscientious, Shen Yu comes back very late every day, she will wait until Shen Yu comes back, and then go home with Xie Tian who is asleep, and will come here before Zai Zai wakes up in the morning.

 Shen Yu mentioned that if she was allowed to live here, she could clean up Zai Zai's children's room first and let them live in it, but she didn't agree, mainly because Ouyang Li didn't agree.

 Ouyang Li felt that taking care of the children was different from being a babysitter for others. He didn't want Xie Tian to be the babysitter's child. To put it bluntly, he still didn't want his own child to be a follower. There was a difference between a playmate and a follower.

 Shen Yu also understood her concerns, so she never mentioned the issue of wages, that is, she agreed that if she wanted to eat here, she couldn't ask others to help her. If she didn't pay wages, she wouldn't even eat.

 Although Feng Qing went to Shen Yu's work place to protest, Shen Yu still couldn't go home for dinner today. When he came back, Zai Zai had already fallen asleep on the sofa, and recently he refused to go back to his room to sleep .

 He is not the only one who sleeps on the sofa, Xie Tian also sleeps on it, "Thank you, I will take Zai Zai to work in the future, so you don't have to run back and forth." Others can take their children to work, so naturally he can.

 Qi Shuangxue was very relieved. She also had a headache these two days. She also felt guilty for helping others bring up the child like this. It's better to be around.

 "Yes." There is also a dean on the logistics side, so just let the children play there.

 Qi Shuangxue didn't say any more, and left with Xie Tian in her arms. Shen Yu tidied up and carried Zai Zai upstairs. Zai Zai's living habits are very good, even if she didn't go to bed to sleep, she had already washed herself .

 He set the alarm clock, and after sleeping for four hours, he simply tidied up and left with Zai Zai in his arms. He had already told Feng Qing that he would get up in the morning and help feed the pets at home, and by the way, help to put them away Mutant leaves.

 Shen Yu was busy recently, and Yi Han wasn't here, so naturally he didn't have time to pick the supernatural leaves for the research institute. Fortunately, the supernatural tree doesn't exclude Papa Squirrel now, and Papa Squirrel is in charge of picking leaves recently.

 When he carried the cubs downstairs, both the wolf and the big cat woke up vigilantly. He didn't take the wolf with him, but asked the big cat to follow. His office was too small and there was no room for the wolf, but the big cat still Can barely let go.

 The wolf felt aggrieved, but didn't dare to scream, for fear of waking the cub, it just rubbed its big head against Shen Yu.

 "Okay, when Master Guo goes to deliver the meals, you will follow." He has already informed Master Guo that he will start delivering the meals tomorrow.

 There is indeed a cafeteria in logistics, but he doesn’t have time to go there to eat. The cafeteria has regulations and no take-out is allowed. He can’t take the lead in breaking the rules, so he only goes to eat when he finds time, and often mixes two meals into one.

Being A Cannon Fodder While Raising Cubs In End TimesWhere stories live. Discover now