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Because Ouyang Li and Qi Shuangxue were still tidying up the house, Yi Han brought Xie Tian home directly. The kid Xie Tian wanted to give Zai Zai a surprise, so he didn't say hello in advance.

 Zai Zai was really pleasantly surprised to see Xie Tianna, the two children shouted and danced to tell the joy of reunion.

 "Brother, are you going to leave in the future?" After the two calmed down, Zai Zai hurriedly asked him the most concerned question. He was very afraid that his little friend would suddenly disappear again.

 Xie Tian shook his head, "My father said that our family will be in the capital base in the future." His father promised him.

 "Great." Zai Zai jumped up again, he was so happy that clapping his hands was no longer enough to express his excitement.

 There is no way, there is still a difference between a big friend and a little friend, Xie Tian is his little friend, Zhao Yu is just a big brother, one can play together, and the other is just coaxing him.

 Although there are quite a few children as old as Zai Zai in the Beijing base, there is no kindergarten in the base, and no one dares to open a kindergarten. Children born in the last days are treasures, and no one can take responsibility for something wrong.

 The children who can survive after the apocalypse all have a common feature, that is, they have supernatural powers. Ordinary children can hardly survive the cold and various diseases in the apocalypse.

 No one is pointing at how good the child's control ability is. When children fight or play with abilities, some types of abilities may be fine, while others will have serious consequences.

 Zai Zai is fine, it is plant-based, if there are no seeds around, he can't cause trouble, Xie Tian is fine, at most, the house is flooded with water, and the child who controls the water can't drown himself.

 But this is only in my own home. If it is in a kindergarten and in a specific environment, the result is really hard to say. The power of fire, earth, gold, thunder, etc. is not small.

 This still refers to the case of a first-level ability. If it is a second-level ability, the result will be doubled, so these babies can only be forced to stay in their own homes alone, and it is impossible to make friends.

 Zai Zai is like this, Xie Tian is no different. In Xie Tian’s previous base, there were no children who were a few years older or younger than him. There are children in Zhenlong Base, but they are not children of Zhenlong Base, so they cannot go to the base. School.

 Ouyang Li originally wanted Xie Tian to go to school at the Beiyun base, but the school in Beiyun had been suspended after the riots, and they began to move before school started, Xie Tian still couldn't go to school.

 Zai Zai is fine, at least he is coaxed by a big friend like Zhao Yu, and Mao Bao’s family is with him, thank God he is not as good as him, so this reunion, he is more -excited-excited than Zai Zai, playing crazy .

 When Ouyang Li came to pick him up in the evening, he was already so tired that he fell asleep. The two children had not been idle all afternoon, and they both fell asleep not long after dinner. They were tired.

 "It's troublesome." Xie Tian is not wearing the suit when he came here, but a very delicate children's field uniform, which looks like it was changed after being cleaned up.

 "He took a bath by himself." Shen Yu was at most helping to prepare the clothes. There are quite a lot of clothes in such a large space in his space, which is not bad.

 "Xie Tian must like the clothes you prepared, right? He has never worn such beautiful clothes before." The child's clothes are the most difficult to find, and he can't dress the child so beautifully.

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