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Although it is a transitional base that cannot live for too long, according to Professor Li's prediction, they can stay here for at least one year, so infrastructure still needs to be done.

 Planting and breeding is a major task, so when the vanguard troops come, they mainly build greenhouses, plan blocks, etc. After the large troops arrive, the construction of individual houses begins.

 In addition to the few individual houses brought over from Shen Yu's space, the new base will be collective housing, even if the newly built ones are collective housing, and individual housing will not be built too much in the future.

 The area predicted by Professor Li is large, but if human beings occupy all the safe places, there will be no peace, so the base only occupies a small part of the safe area.

 The well-built houses are allocated based on points. Only those with high points and high contribution are eligible to be the first batch to live in. The Flying Eagle Troops take advantage of this, and they have priority for their families.

 Of course, it doesn't matter even if you have less points, that is, one day earlier or one day later, the base will not let anyone live without a house.

 Yi Han was the busiest of them. Humans knew they had to migrate, and the mutated animals were not idle either. Animals were often more sensitive than humans. Humans knew it was safe here, so they naturally knew it too.

 During the construction of the base, more and more mutated animals came here from all directions. Fortunately, there are not many mutated animals that have migrated here. The Flying Eagle team only needs to deal with those relatively dangerous ones.

 Yi Han was busy, and Yan Yun was not idle either. After he stabilized, Yan Yun became the official errand runner for Feiying, and often sent Feiying's fighters to various places for support. Fortunately, the crystal cores were all from the other party, otherwise Feiying I don't have the confidence to run like this.

 Feng Qing has been busy lately. His treatment is expensive, but his speed is fast. At this time, efficiency is the most important thing, so even for non-fatal wounds, many people seek him for treatment.

 Shen Yu had an information officer's sign on him, so he was never assigned to work, so he became the most idle person in the entire base, taking care of the children full-time, and watching the progress of the plot by the way.

 When Gu Feng agreed to the escort mission, the progress of the plot increased to 10%. This also proved that the plot will only move if other heroes are alone or meet frequently.

 The basic construction of the capital base has been completed, but the Zhenlong side has just started. They are the first people to go to the safe zone, but they are not the only ones, so they are also stepping up construction.

 Dean Chen was originally unwilling to hire Gu Feng as a bodyguard for Yuan Qing, and he wanted to rely on Gu Feng to deter other bases, but when Gu Feng talked about his grievances with Beiyun Base, he directly gave up trying to persuade him to stay.

 The people at the Beiyun base were also very strange. They obviously kept in touch with him and knew that Gu Feng's team was at the Zhenlong base, but they didn't say anything. It was really confusing, so he didn't dare to take risks.

 The issue of land use in the safe zone would have caused conflicts between the two bases. If Gu Feng's team had a grudge with the Beiyun base, he was afraid that the Zhenlong base and the Beiyun base would really fight, and it would be troublesome.

 Although the post-apocalyptic era is almost independent, it is not allowed for the two bases to face conflicts. In the past few years, He Jun and the Flying Eagle Squad have dealt with such incidents more than once.

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