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Gu Feng went back and told Feng Qing's arrangement, Yuan Qing was silent for a long time after hearing this, "Everyone said that Feng Qing has a good character and a good heart, but what he did to his own sister, his methods are too dark." "Feng Qing handled it like

 this It's already very good, how can you say that the means are bad?" Gu Feng didn't think there was any problem with Feng Qing's handling, even if he handled it, it might not be handled so well.

 Yuan Qing sneered, "Let a crippled man who has never worked before go to work, and tie a man who already hates her to her side, in case the enemy will not think about it anytime soon, and give her another pleasure, so he goes out of his way to do it." You are Gu Qing, what would you think?"

 Gu Feng knew Gu Qing well, if it was Gu Qing, he would probably hate Si Fengqing, who obviously has the ability to let her live a good life, but let her live a good life. How could she not hate her when she went to labor reform?

 Even if Feng Qing really took her over to raise her, would Gu Qing be able to calm down? impossible!

 If you don't help her cut her enemy to pieces, she will hate it too!

 If she doesn't think of a way to help her restore her appearance, she will hate it too!

 She would even force Feng Qing to goug out other people's eyes, cut off other people's arms and put them on for her. Who made Feng Qing's ability special? Her viciousness really has no bottom line, and it is too difficult to satisfy her.

 "Gu Qing is just a bomb. It exploded at some point and caused a lot of trouble. Feng Qing's way of handling it is a bit cold-blooded, but at least she can't cause trouble anymore." He still felt that Feng Qing was right.

 Yuan Qing didn't say anything else, he said that Feng Qing's methods were shady, and it was based on Feng Qing's reputation. If he spoke from Gu Qing's point of view, he also felt that Feng Qing's handling was very satisfying.

 He doesn't think he is a good person, but he also despises Gu Qing's character. Once a person has no bottom line, he can't be called a person.

 "I don't quite understand one thing. Why did Feng Qing dare to give Gu Qing the supernatural power potion? How did he make sure that Gu Qing's supernatural power would not recover?" Yuan Qing couldn't understand the most.

 "His special ability is very special, should he feel it?" Gu Feng also thought about this problem, and he didn't think Feng Qing would be so kind. If he really wanted to, he would drink it for Gu Qing during the treatment.

 "It should be." In fact, judging from Feng Qing's attitude in handling this matter, if Gu Qing really had the possibility of recovering her powers, he would even stop others from giving her the power potion, let alone give it to her.

 Yuan Qing was right, if he was not 100% sure, Feng Qing would never let the supernatural potion get into Gu Qing's hands, he felt that such a vicious person as Gu Qing was not worthy of having healing powers.

 Feng Qing doesn't think he is a good person, but at least he has a conscience. Ability is the foundation of standing, not a means of threatening others.

 He also has hobbies, and he doesn't want to save people he hates, but it is their therapist's duty to save people. If they save people according to their preferences, what will the therapist be?

 Gu Qing is not just going too far, she has already lost her conscience. Why does this kind of person have healing abilities? Whether in the book or now, Feng Qing feels that she deserves it.

 After Feng Qing came back, he went to Shen Yu's office. Shen Yu didn't have time to talk in the group now, so he just came to his office to look for him.

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