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Neither the Changfeng Base nor the Success Base is considered a big base in the north, but the Zhenlong Base is. The permanent population of the Zhenlong Base is 250,000.

 With a large population, it will naturally be lively. Even if it is a foreign base, there are not few people. Many people looking for odd jobs have been paying attention to Yi Han and his party, and they are very curious.

 When the mutant beast big cat appeared, it almost caused panic among these people. The coercion of the fourth-level mutant beast was unleashed, and most people couldn't bear it. Fortunately, Yi Han was able to communicate with the big cat and let him put away his pressure.

 "Meow, meow, meow." Yi Han's guess was right. The big cat just wanted to be a cat in the house. just come over.

 The corners of Yi Han's mouth cramped, with a tiger-like stomach, how much cat food he had to make a day, so this matter was absolutely unacceptable, and the wolf didn't eat dog food every day, so don't think about it later.

 "Cat food once a week, you are not allowed to choose the taste, what do I do at other times, what do you eat, but you bring your own meat, it must be a non-toxic mutant animal, I will help to deal with it, but you have to pay for the food." Yi Han stated directly condition.

 The taste of mutant beasts is almost the same as that of humans, that is to say, seasoning is indispensable, and rice is added. Feeding such a big cat is really wasteful, and the food expenses must not be reduced.

 Yi Han didn't have time to cook for cats and dogs all the time, and he wasn't willing to keep Shen Yu so busy every day. Raising only one wolf was enough for them to be busy, and another one was really unbearable.

 If you want to raise a big cat, it is imperative to hire someone. Their family didn't hire anyone before, but Shi Lin didn't live for free, and he did help with the housework.

 When Shen Yu came back without Shi Lin, Yi Han knew what he meant. How did Shen Yu know that he was in danger? He didn't know yet, but he understood why Shen Yu gave up Shi Lin.

 Shi Lin's character is not pleasing in itself, since he met Zhang Mei, he has become even more annoying, and after establishing a relationship with Zhang Mei, he has gone too far, even using things from his house to subsidize his girlfriend.

 To put it bluntly, he doesn't see outsiders, but to put it bluntly, he really treats Shen Yu as his own brother. To put it bluntly, he just eats his own way, let alone not his real brother, even a real brother can't stand him like this.

 Shi Lin, who is in a relationship, has forgotten his duty. He has crossed his bottom line if he just obeys his family's things without saying anything.

 Yi Han already had a problem with Shi Lin, and he kept holding back for Shen Yu's sake, so even if there was no such thing, they would break up with him sooner or later, people's patience is limited.

 Now there is no need to make trouble. To be honest, he is very happy to be able to get rid of Shi Lin, a vampire. No matter how deep his feelings are, he can't resist such abuse, let alone he has no feelings for Shi Lin.

 Of course, with Shi Lin's help in the past, Shen Yu did a lot less housework, but now without Shi Lin's help, when he went out, Shen Yu would do everything, he couldn't bear it, so naturally he disagreed with raising a big cat for nothing.

 Although Shen Yu's skills are good now, he has always felt that someone like Shen Yu should be a young master and be served by others, and the life of daily necessities is not suitable for him.

 This is also the main reason why Yi Han tolerated Shi Lin all the time. Among other things, Shi Lin respected Shen Yu sincerely and rushed to do any job. If there was no Zhang Mei, Yi Han would have been willing to endure him all the time.

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