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Zai Zai, it should be said that it is Shen Yun. Since he went to school, the name Zai Zai is rarely called by people, that is, people who are close to him will call it.

He is very uncomfortable now, he was kicked by his father to come to the special forces from the north, and he has to stay in this place for a year before he can go out, so he feels that this is really not a place for people to stay.

There is no humanity to talk about here, even if he is a child of the top leader, he still practiced to death. When did he suffer from this since he was a child?

The instructor of the special forces didn't give him any face, and stared at him every day. He couldn't cheat even if he wanted to, and he was so angry that he changed his nickname to this little boy, "Big Stupid".

Because he knows the root and the bottom, the big fool knows him quite well, and he collected all the seeds he was carrying as soon as he came over. The base has been tied up by plants, and there is not a single hair left for him.

After coming in, let alone picky food and drink, eating is like fighting a war, if you eat slowly, you will have nothing to eat, so the taste is not tasted, and it goes into the stomach, he can't be particular about it.

The seeds were harvested. When he was not full, he didn't even have to eat the fruit. It's not that he couldn't find food. The plant department is not afraid that he can't find something to eat, but he can only find grass seeds in the whole base. He is I can't eat it.

Zai Zai just started the first week, if he hadn't gone to rob in the middle of the night, he would probably only have enough water to drink. Fortunately, he has a strong adaptability, and he started to lead the way after a week, and he had more time to eat than others.

Although he was raised pampered, he has practiced kung fu with his father since he was a child, and his physical fitness is not bad. He occasionally goes on missions with his father, and his combat effectiveness is not bad. What he lacks is his enterprising spirit.

It's really not that easy to change a person's character. He did win the first place, but when the players had chosen their team and were going to fight for the future, he was ready to go home with his luggage on his back.

The silly big man finally became a man, and took the initiative to drive him to the train station. He tossed him on the way and ran a lot of wrong ways, but he didn't get angry. After not being an instructor, he paid attention to the small friendship.

After the Little Ice Age passed, the world's transportation system began to recover, and it was the first to be established. However, after the new era, humans and mutant beasts coexisted, so the road was not so peaceful.

Although it has been five years since the train was fully opened to traffic, the number of trains has not increased a few times, and train tickets cannot be bought casually, and only a certificate can be purchased.

The big fool naturally gave him a certificate, so he has a certificate. He has never traveled in this way before. This is the first time he chooses to take the train, which is quite novel.

The speed of trains in the New Era is not considered fast. Each line of the train is destroyed at least once a day on average. If it is really as fast as before the end of the world, the consequences are really terrible.

The driver of the train is a person with supernatural powers, the conductors are all metal and earth, and the policemen are all veterans who have retired from Feiying. This is the basic configuration of a train.

The running cost of the train is too high, so the ticket price is not cheap. Even if the government does not restrict it, ordinary people can't afford the train, and Zai Zai is naturally not an ordinary person.

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