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Zhenlong base has always been paying attention to the law of the end of the world, so even if Yi Han is an outsider, no one dares to disrespect him. There are only three fourth-level superpowers in Zhenlong base.

 The child pulled the woman with a better face and said, "This is my mother Qi Shuangxue, and my neighbors are Uncle Guo Shuqi and Aunt Li Dongyue. Uncle Guo is from the Jin family." He was very responsible and introduced his name.

 In fact, his mother recognized it very well. Even if the ice-type power user is a second-level person, his face will not be covered with frost, so he mainly introduced the other two.

 Yi Han took out the blueprint, "Can you understand this blueprint? When making it, there should be no gaps in size." The blueprint is not complicated, and the dimensions are well mastered. With the combination of soil and metal elements, it can be done quickly.

 Guo Shuqi took the blueprint and nodded, "No problem."

 Yi Han was satisfied, "Okay, then according to the blueprint, you should clean up a place 100 meters away from the outer ice wall and the road, and repair the organs at the four corners of the house first.

 " Salary, needless to say, each base has a price for each base, Shen Yu will come over later to exchange some points for Zhenlong base, or use food to pay, just pay according to the standard.

 "Uncle, I'll take you there together." The boy saw what Yi Han looked like when he teleported over with his own eyes, and knew that he was uncomfortable, so he suggested thoughtfully.

 "Then it's hard work for you." Yi Han was not polite, the ice belt was not pushed forward, but slid.

 Although letting a child bring him over would make him look weak, but the big cat is not just for display, he summoned the big cat to come over just to shake things up.

 Naturally, Shen Yu knew his habits, so he didn't give too many instructions. Besides, even without the shock of mutant beasts, Yi Han wouldn't be a display. Even if he was weaker, anyone below level four couldn't beat him.

 Different types of supernatural beings have different combat abilities. Some supernatural beings only improve their supernatural powers but not their physical fitness, such as special supernatural beings like Shen Yu and Feng Qing.

 The beast master can improve both, even if he doesn't use the beast master ability, Yi Han can still be a physical warrior.

 Physical fighters are indeed not high in the category of supernatural powers, but when fighting mutant beasts, physical fighters who use weapons have a much stronger advantage than supernatural beings.

 The abilities of the supernatural beings are not endless. There is no crystal nucleus to replenish energy during battle, so it is difficult to defeat mutant beasts. Physical fighters do not have this problem, so there are advantages and disadvantages.

 Among the patrol teams at the base, physical fighters are the favorite to recruit. Unfortunately, the number of physical fighters is not too many, so most of the patrols are still five-line natural-type superpowers.

 Yi Han's physical fitness was no worse than that of a physical fighter, and Shen Yu could improve his physical fitness several times faster by following Yi Lao to learn martial arts. Let alone him, if he hadn't had good physical fitness, Shen Yu would not have been able to wait for Shen Yu to save him.

 The boy made an ice pulley under the lazy sofa, manipulated the ice ability, turned the sofa in one direction, and walked forward with the sofa.

 Yi Han turned Zai Zai around and put it on the ice under his feet, "Let's go skating."

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