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After Yi Han drove away the people arranged by Feng Nan, the four of them sat together again and discussed the issue of the plot. Naturally, all previous plans were overturned.

 Feng Nan was annoyed by the news brought back by his subordinates, and his face was not very good. He thought he had given enough face, but he would not be happy when he received this kind of warning.

 Zhao Shuang was even more angry, "I said I would go, but you said you were afraid that Chen Ping would find out, so you sent Dewey there, but you also said that Dewey is not suitable, you see, the person you arranged, did you offend him?"

 He is different from Feng Nan, Feng Nan lost too much blood, his injury is not serious, there is no problem at all,

 even if it is not suitable for him to go, Dewey is okay, as a fourth-level fighter, even if he was impulsive yesterday Some, but he apologized in the end, and he had dealt with him, but seeing the people Feng Nan arranged, he was really pissed off.

 Feng Nan didn't take it seriously, "They should have something to rely on, otherwise, how could they be so arrogant." He is a very realistic person, and he is destined to be impossible to stay, and he doesn't care if he offends or not.

 "Never mind what kind of support people have, your way of dealing with it is just wrong, is your life so worthless?" Zhao Shuang couldn't understand his attitude, and directly resented him.

 Feng Nan didn't think, "I don't let the patrol team participate in the siege operation, and even arrange someone to notify them. Even if I pay back the favor, if I let the patrol team take action, will they be able to escape?

 " Big, I don't know where the confidence comes from.

 Zhao Shuang stood up abruptly, "Do you really think this is repaying favors?" He originally thought that Feng Nan's handling was not good, but he really didn't expect him to think so.

 This idea is really crazy, thinking that the patrol team can surely win the fourth-level beast master, what are you thinking, the beast master is so easy to deal with, and the first person in the last days will not be the beast master.

 Zhao Shuang also knew that Feng Nan must have added Dewey's fighting power to him, but he was not Feng Nan, and he would never do anything to the benefactor who had just saved his life.

 Feng Nan frowned, "What's wrong with me thinking that way, don't care how powerful that Yi Han is, if the patrol team takes action, they won't be able to survive, so it's not repaying favors." Zhao Shuang laughed at his arrogance

 , "It's really a perfect score for logic. Come on, the concept is already different. From now on, the bridge will return to the bridge, and the road will return to the road." Feng Nan became so afraid that he didn't even dare to recognize it. There was really nothing to miss.

 Freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, their differences have become bigger and bigger, coupled with the relationship that is not so pure, sooner or later they will part ways, and it is not too early to break up.

 Feng Nan's expression turned super exciting in an instant, "Are you sick, just for this matter, you have to break up with me." They are not only teammates, but also have been bed-mates for many years.

 Zhao Shuang replied indifferently: "Your admirer has already looked for me. He is afraid that I won't be able to take care of you. I want to take care of you. I just make room for her." Packing things up.

 After the end of the world, the number of women is very small, and many men live together. That's how they got together, but after Feng Nan was promoted to the fourth level, their relationship began to change.

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