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Yuan Qing was pleasantly surprised when he knew that this was the team from the Zhenlong base, because he knew all the leaders of the Zhenlong base, and they had some friendship, so he was not afraid that the other party would not see him.

 "I want to see your leader, inform me about it." After knowing the local team of Zhenlongji at this time, Yuan Qing was not as polite as before, and it would be nice to be able to talk about the team.

 Gu Feng knew about the Son of Heaven's Chosen, and also knew how much he had caused Zhenlong Base to suffer, but he was a latecomer and was not qualified to be the master of Zhenlong, so he quickly let the teleporter to spread the word up.

 To put it bluntly, he and Zhenlong are just a cooperative relationship that each takes what they need. Zhenlong contributes money and he contributes.

 Because the vanguard was still some distance away from the convoy, they did not rush on their way immediately, but stopped and waited for a while to make sure that the convoy was approaching, and they could not stay any longer. Fortunately, the person who sent the message had returned.

 "The dean is on the eighth truck, and he told you to go directly." Yan Kuan took Yuan Qing away as soon as the messenger finished speaking. He didn't even say thank you, and the guards had a bad impression of him. .

 "It's all like this, and you are still so arrogant, he deserves to be in trouble." Zhang Yang, who entered the guard with Gu Feng, was not angry. They used to be the second generation, and they were looked down upon by others, so it's strange that they feel comfortable.

 "Don't talk nonsense." Gu Feng didn't think there was anything wrong with Yuan Qing's attitude, the second generation of the capital base was not at the same level as the second generations of small bases like them.

 The extraordinary meeting arranged by Tiandao just ended like this. Neither Gu Feng nor Yuan Qing intended to have a deep friendship. This meeting was quite a failure.

 Gu Feng's first impression of Yuan Qing was, how could this man be so miserable, not to mention his swollen face, and his clothes were in tatters. His second impression was that he was the legendary Chosen Son. To be honest, He was quite disappointed.

 Although she was taught quite badly by Shen Yu, but after seeing someone with Shen Yu's demeanor, Yuan Qing, who was not as good looking as Shen Yu at first, and is now very embarrassed, naturally couldn't catch Gu Feng's eyes, and his aesthetics had been improved. .

 As for Yuan Qing's first impression of Gu Feng, it is equivalent to no impression. To him, a guard is equivalent to a bodyguard. A bodyguard at Gu Feng's level cannot compare with Yan Kuan, so he will blame him if he takes it to heart. up.

 Love at first sight is considered in many ways. For example, Gu Feng and Yuan Qing in the book have heard about each other before they met, and they have a predetermined impression, or a good impression.

 At that time, Yuan Qing took Zai Zai back to the base, saying that he was rescued on the road, and he helped Xie Tian's father Ouyang to avenge him as soon as he came back. Anyone who heard it would think that this is a very good-hearted person. When Gu Feng heard about it, he had an impression of him. Naturally good.

 The Gu Feng in the book is not the Yuan Qing that he met as soon as he entered Zhenlong. He accidentally showed his strength outside the base, and then he showed his financial power after entering the base. Only then did he find out about Zai Zai.

 Before Gu Feng found Yuan Qing with the cub, he was already very famous in Zhenlong, and Yuan Qing had also heard of him. The two of them already had a crush on each other's hooker, but they fell in love at first sight!

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