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He Jun didn't care what the receptionist thought, but when he saw that the receptionist didn't move, he became angry, "What's the matter, don't tell me that Yi Han is not in Zhenlong." If you dare to lie to him, try it.

 Although He Jun is very respected by the people, he has never been close to the people, and it can be said that he is very dignified. Most people dare not speak in front of him, let alone lie to him.

 "He's at the base. Do you have anything to do with him?" The receptionist naturally didn't dare to lie to him, so he could only give an affirmative answer, but he also boldly asked what the relationship between the two was.

 He Jun didn't want to waste time explaining at all, "What are you waiting for, hurry up and lead the way." He had already ridden the snowmobile that the space power user had just brought out, and was not going to get into Zhenlong's car.

 Zhenlong came out in a hurry, and other people were not good or dared to come here, so only one car came, the driver drove him, and everyone else went to the gate of the base to wait.

 The receptionist didn't dare to ask any more because of He Jun's despotic power, but they couldn't take this route, so they didn't dare not answer, so they could only close their eyes and raise their fingers, "He lives in that villa."

 Fengqing's billboard is conspicuous, and Yi Han's villa is also conspicuous. He Jun never thought that the outer base refers to this. What kind of outer base is this, it is obviously outside the base.

 "Head, something's not right, there's a strong smell of blood over there." Just as He Jun started the car and was about to turn left, he was stopped by the adjutant Yu She behind him.

 His sense of smell is relatively sensitive, and he smelled something wrong as soon as he arrived at the place, but he didn't make a sound. He knew that the villa was the residence of the major general, so it was wrong.

 The face of the receptionist changed. If he still can't see the problem, he is an idiot. He Jun became even more anxious. He didn't say anything. He turned the fastest on his motorcycle and passed by.

 He knew what Yu She meant and wanted him to ask clearly, but he felt that nothing was more intuitive than what he saw with his own eyes, so why would he ask when he was right in front of his eyes.

 Almost all the members of the Flying Eagle team followed. Only Yu She and another breeder stayed behind. Naturally, the breeder stayed to take care of the mutant eagle. He is also a beast master and can communicate with the eagle.

 Yu She stayed for another purpose, "Tell me, what is the bloody smell?" He didn't do anything, but the receptionist and the driver didn't dare to move.

 He Jun couldn't care about this anymore, he rushed to the villa within two minutes, and was greeted by the open door, and Shen Yu and Feng Qing standing in the courtyard.

 "General He." Shen Yu didn't pretend not to know each other.

 He Jun didn't care how he knew himself, "What's going on here, is Dong... Yi Han okay?" Although Shen Yu and Feng Qing cleaned up the blood, the snow that cleaned up the blood hasn't been thrown out yet.

 "Zhenlong sent people to attack here just now, and there was some blood on the ground. We just cleaned it up. Yi Han is fine, but he is not in good health and is resting in the house." This is also a different kind of complaint.

 He Jun's heart tightened, he didn't ask any more questions, and he was about to rush into the house. If he didn't see anyone, his heart would never settle down. The feeling of being close to the hometown didn't exist for him, and he could only feel at ease when he saw people's hearts.

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