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The first time teleporting, especially the long-distance teleporting, must be unbearable. After landing, Shen Yu retched for a while, and it didn't feel so uncomfortable.

 Feng Qing asked: "What's next."

 He just gave one word, "Wait." If you look around, you may miss it, so it is safest to wait.

 He had already taken off his frock coat and put on a mountaineering suit, and he was waiting for any movement, and he would act immediately, racing against time, without any delay.

 He didn't care about the people he threw at Changfeng Base, it was because of his kindness that he could leave supplies for them.

 As long as you have supplies, you can hire people with perception abilities or psychic abilities from other bases, and escort them back to the base. It's their business.

 Mutant animals and plants after the end of the world have never been vegetarians, especially Those high-level mutant beasts without the ability to perceive the spirit will suffer heavy losses if they encounter one.

 Perception abilities are indeed unique, but people with psychic powers can also be sentient beings, perhaps not as good as perception abilities, but they can also avoid most dangers.

 Shen Yu relied on his powerful spiritual power to lead the people in the successful base to escape disaster after disaster, which was no worse than perception power.

 Now the base doesn't need to rely on him anymore. The leader's sister awakened the foresight ability last year, and Yi Han will be framed to death, thanks to the help of this new prophet.

 This is also the reason why Zhang Chenggong dared to deal with Yi Han and was not afraid of him turning his face. The only thing he didn't expect was that he miscalculated the type of Shen Yu's ability.

 Psychic powers are often guarded against, because they can hear everything they want to hear, so when they were first considered to be people with perception powers, they didn't explain it, and he wouldn't listen to what others said anyway.

 If Zhang Chenggong knew that he was a psychic power user, he would not touch Yi Han even in order to preserve his space power. It can be seen that he still took it for granted. It is better to be on guard than to be fooled by others.

 After the apocalypse, the people in charge of the base are all the most capable, but the successful base is an exception. Zhang Chenggong is also powerful, but he is much inferior to Yi Han.

 Although Yi Han never wanted to take his place, and he didn't even have his own team, and he always acted with everyone, Zhang Chenggong actually wanted to get rid of him, which shows how terrifying people's hearts are.

 When Shen Yu was waiting, he had been thinking about this question, why were he and Yi Han so stupid, adversity does not necessarily reveal the truth, and it may also be a group of white-eyed wolves.

 Time passed minute by minute, and an hour later, Shen Yu finally caught the movement. He cheered up, started the snowmobile and ran to the side where there was movement.

 His special snowmobile was already top-notch in speed, and the speed of the wolf was also quite fast. Within a minute, he saw the shadow of the wolf and the person chasing him.

 "Aww, aww." The wolf also sensed his breath, and began to call for help. The voice was very miserable, which showed how serious the injury was.

 Shen Yu hated these people so much that he directly stabbed them with mental power, and three people fell down in a row. When they died, the motorcycle lost control and was taken far away.

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