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Gu Feng is a smart person, when Yuan Qing asked him to escort him, he guessed that Yuan Qing wanted to win him over, so when they were on the road, the two naturally got closer.

 As soon as Shen Yu turned on the computer, Feng Qing glanced at the progress subconsciously, "Oh, it's fifty, is this speed a rocket?" He felt incredible, wasn't it only twenty-five yesterday?

 Shen Yu didn't expect that, he directly checked Yuan Qing's mobile phone information, Yuan Qing would not use his mobile phone to send all information, but he would send some insignificant things, for example, they met a four-wheeled dog yesterday. Level variation.

 A person with a third-level mental power cannot detect the hidden fourth-level mutant beast, just like he failed to detect the fifth-level mutant plant at the beginning. The difference in level is not so easy to overcome.

 Shen Yushun shared the progress and information in the group, and Yi Han and Yan Yun outside naturally saw it too.

 "Gu Feng's strength is indeed strong, at least in terms of physical fitness, I am not as good as him." Yi Han's evaluation was very objective. When he and Yan Yun cooperated to kill the fourth-level Mutant Mang, it was not so easy, but Gu Feng was able to defeat it alone. Really great.

 Although the supernatural beings in their team must have helped, and Yuan Qing and Yan Kuan would also intervene, but the third level is against the upper level, the fighting ability is limited, at most it will play a restraining role, and Gu Feng is the main force.

 "My physical fitness is even worse than his." Yan Yun's physical fitness is not bad, but it is still worse than the fourth-level powerful fighters, and Gu Feng's strength is indeed among the fourth-level physical fighters. It's top notch.

 "Yuan Qing's reality is reality, but he also admires Qiang. I think it's love at first sight again. After all, hearing and seeing are two different concepts. It's more shocking to see it with your own eyes." Feng Qing's analysis of Yuan Qing is very thorough.

 Shen Yu agreed, "It seems that we don't need to pay attention to them all the time in the future." As long as Yuan Qing is tempted, the plot will basically be stable, Yuan Qing is realistic, and Gu Feng is no worse than him.

 Gu Feng's eyes are high, he really doesn't like ordinary people, no matter how good Yuan Qing's character is, his appearance is still very good, and his family conditions are so superior, he would refuse no matter how stupid he is.

 Shen Yu and Feng Qing's guess was right. At this time, Yuan Qing began to care about Gu Feng. He felt that his future partner should be such a person. Gu Feng quickly noticed his attitude, but he didn't. reject.

 Yan Kuan, Yuan Qing's admirer in the plot, was using soy sauce all the time, and he didn't mean to stop him at all. He did have a little interest in Yuan Qing before, but after he went to pick Yuan Qing back to the capital, that little bit of admiration disappeared. .

 Yuan Qing is a person who can't bear hardships. The sunny youth in the past changed his appearance after his ability was abolished. When Yan Kuan went to pick him up, he found a backbone, and then began to curse people.

 At that time, Yuan Qing's face was quite disgusting. He obviously did something wrong, but he didn't want to repent at all, so he successfully wiped out Yan Kuan's admiration.

 Yan Kuan is indeed one of Yuan Guoqing's subordinates, but Yuan Guoqing's subordinates are not all villains who disregard right and wrong. Yan Kuan may not be considered righteous, but his non-concept is still very righteous.

 Although Yuan Qing kept saying that he chased the dog because he wanted to save the child, no one with a long brain would believe it. If the child is in danger, you go after the dog, that is to save him. If he walks well, you go after the dog. What's the point of killing?

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