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The purpose of the Flying Eagle Squad flying over is to deter them. The fifth-level mutated bat is indeed powerful, but it has two mentally damaged cubs beside it, so naturally it won't fight the Flying Eagle Squad hard.

 The animal master and the mutant beast signed an equal contract. If one party dies, the other party will not die, but the mental power will be severely damaged. The adult mutant beast can be raised well, but the cubs will be more troublesome.

 He Jun was afraid that they would be severely damaged and would not be able to support them. If something happened, it would definitely target the Nanyuan base, which would be troublesome, so he asked Lin Zi to help treat them.

 The mutated bat is very wary of humans, but he was finally persuaded by He Jun, and the thought of caring for the cub prevailed. It is very smart.

 But no matter how clever a mutant beast is, its thinking cannot compare to human beings' nine turns and eighteen turns, so it can never find the correct and hidden hole. Otherwise, it won't wait until the people underground and their abilities are exhausted before catching people. .

 After Lin Zi reaches the fourth level, he will be able to heal mental damage. He cannot treat serious injuries that cannot be cured, but he can't help him with wounds that do not harm life, such as contract backlash.

 After the mutated bat left with its cubs, the people at the Nanyuan Base began to move back. This incident caused heavy losses to the Nanyuan Base.

 After the settlement was almost complete, Chu Tian found He Jun who had settled down outside the base, "Can the Flying Eagle Squad stay in the Nanyuan base recently?" The Nanyuan base is in need of a backbone.

 Everyone has seen the power base of mutant bats before, who is not afraid of its comeback? Even Chutian was not sure that it would not come back again. If the Flying Eagle Squad left, the hearts of the people would be in turmoil.

 "We will stay in the south to carry out our mission in the near future." He Jun will naturally not agree. They will stay in the south in the near future, but it is impossible to stay in the Nanyuan base forever.

 Although the answer was not that satisfying, Chu Tian was already very satisfied, and he asked again: "Can Fu Feng join the Flying Eagles now?" He didn't want his nephew to stay here anymore.

 He Jun has no intention of intervening in the management of the Nanyuan base. Except for him, everyone else in Nanyuan has the same prestige. Fighting is inevitable. It's okay if he doesn't want to participate. The prophecy can stay out of it.

 Fu Feng is different. Now he is the only fourth-level supernatural user in Nanyuan. If he stays, there will be more troubles. He is really afraid that He Jun will not accept Fu Feng. Who made Fu Feng get off the list of masters? It's over.

 The ranking order of the master list has been changing with the trajectory of everyone's activities, so Fu Feng, who has not been active recently, and the fire-type superhuman who was killed by a mutant bat, have been squeezed out of the master list.

 Because of the relationship between the prophecy and the supernatural beings at the Nanyuan Base, the migration path was quite smooth. If it hadn't been so smooth, those people would not have the leisure to provoke the fifth-level mutant bats, and they would die.

 It is true that Chutian is a prophecy predictor, but not everything can be predicted. He did not predict the death of those people, which also proves that it is indeed time for them to die.

 The prophet is not omnipotent, no matter how high the level is, they cannot predict the people who are destined to die. Only the crisis of those who can save or are close to them can be predicted by the prophet.

Being A Cannon Fodder While Raising Cubs In End TimesWhere stories live. Discover now