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Zhao Shuang looked at his nephew who moved to live with him, and didn't know what to say. His sister-in-law was also disgusted. After experiencing a life and death, she didn't know whether she just ignored it or what, she actually said she got married and got married.

 Get married, get married, a friend in adversity sees the truth, no one can say anything, but why did his ex-sister-in-law pack up his nephew and give it to him as soon as he arrived in the capital for a day, and just when he settled down.

 Zhao Yu is also fooled, he has no objection to his mother marrying Uncle Cui, he can trust Uncle Cui's character, he is also very happy when his uncle comes back, but no matter how happy he is, he never wants to live with his uncle!

 "My mother said no matter how good my stepfather is, you won't treat me well. She will have children in the future, so let me follow you." He wanted to object, he is so old, who can bully him, but in the end Got fucked down.

 What can Zhao Shuang do? Fortunately, his nephew is already twelve years old, so he doesn't need to take care of him, otherwise he will have to be caught blind.

 Because it was inconvenient for Zhao Shuang to live in the dormitory with his nephew, he simply followed Feng Qing's example and applied for a small place with Yu She for his mobile home, which was suitable for both uncle and nephew.

 This place is just a few houses away from where Shen Yu and Feng Qing live. When Zhao Shuang and Dewey are on missions, they will entrust Zhao Yu to Shen Yu and ask him to take care of them. big partner.

 During this period of time, the capital base was very quiet. Ever since Yuan Qing went to work in the research institute, Yuan Guoqing and He Jun seemed to have been quiet. They really didn't have time to fight, and they were all doing their best to prepare for the disaster.

 The post-apocalyptic weather changes as soon as it is said, and blizzards come as soon as they are said. If you go out in this kind of weather, it is really dangerous.

 Because the weather in the plot is based on the north, the weather in the capital must be accurate, so Shen Yu asked the system to pay attention to the movements of the mobile phones in the north.

 After Shen Yu moved the system to the computer, the number of mobile phones that could be controlled increased by five times. Not only did Feiying have many more mobile phones, but Yan Yun also had more mobile phones.

 After tossing around, almost 200 mobile phones of various types were sold. Shen Yu opened some permissions for Feiying's information officer Guo Liang. These mobile phones are currently under the monitoring of Feiying.

 The information officer is indeed unique. Guo Liang has recently been promoted to the fourth level, and he has developed an ability, which can be said to be data output, which can be used to filter information very quickly.

 Shen Yu and Yi Han sell their mobile phones to save more people, but they are not selfish. Unification after the end of the world is necessary. In order not to be seized by the Yuan family, they have to use some tricks.

 It can't be regarded as monitoring, because Yan Yun said when he sold the mobile phone that the information terminal is controlled by Feiying, and the information sent is all public. If there is something illegal, it is best not to send it through the mobile phone.

 "There have been three sudden changes in the weather in the north that are exactly the same as the time in the plot. It seems that the time of the disaster in the plot should not change." Shen Yu posted the latest observations to the small group.

 "Actually, with Professor Li around, we don't need the time in the plot. Professor Li can calculate when the disaster will happen based on the trajectory of the earth's crust many years earlier. It's amazing." The professor went out to take samples, and he admired him more and more.

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