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He Jun could tell something was wrong when he was having dinner, and he could tell at a glance that the little couple was beating Xiao Jiujiu. What time is it and they haven't prepared food to go out, obviously they are going to eat and drink!

 "It's not easy to digest when you're on the road, so make some food for Zai Zai alone and bring it with you, and then eat it hot." He has no problem with his son and his wife wanting to eat together, but he doesn't want Zai Zai to suffer.

 The food of the Flying Eagle team is not bad, but it is also when the score is scored. When on the road, it is meat with sesame seeds and pre-cooked soup. Let everyone eat after heating up. How can they eat this for the cubs.

 No matter how unreliable Shen Yu and Yi Han were, it was impossible for them not to have thought of this, "I'll make it tomorrow morning, the leftovers are not nutritious." Their own is too lazy to do it, but the child can't make do with it.

 Now He Jun is satisfied, Zai Zai is so delicate, he has to eat a small stove.

 After the meal, Yi Han took the big cat out for a stroll. The big cat didn't want to move at first, and sleeping when it was full was the life it yearned for. It must have tasks every day, so it definitely didn't want to.

 Yi Han warned it, "Tomorrow we are leaving. If you don't behave well, we will terminate the contract and save Mutated Eagle's energy." Regardless of the big cat's

 level 4, it can't catch up with Mutated Eagle. The flying speed, if it wants to follow to the capital, it can only be carried by the mutant eagle.

 The load capacity of the third-level mutant eagle does not exceed five hundred catties. If you want to take the wolf away, only his old man's head eagle can do it. The big cat is better, but it is not too light, and you need a rider to carry it.

 The Flying Eagle team originally consisted of twenty people, plus eight of them and two beasts, it has already reached the maximum capacity of the mutant eagle, and the load is not easy.

 Of course, if you really can't take it with you, you can let Yan Yun take a batch away, but from here to the capital base, you need almost two fourth-level crystal nuclei.

 The big cat doesn't think the fourth-level crystal nucleus is precious, but it has a lot of third-level crystal nucleus, but none of the fourth-level crystal nucleus. If it doesn't want to be left behind, it can only follow the mission obediently. dog.

 "Meow, meow, meow." The son of a dog is blessed, and he is a poor long-term worker.

 Yi Han ignored it, he was determined not to get used to the big cat, otherwise it would be too lazy to move, and the wolf is different from the big cat, it is very diligent.

 As soon as Yi Han strolled to Feng Qing's house, Yan Yun came out, and then the two of them set off. This time, Yan Yun directly set the location at Zhang Chenggong's house.

 When they came, they took a look and knew that there were other people in Zhang Chenggong's family, but they didn't care. They chose this point to save trouble, not because they were afraid that others would know that he was coming to kill.

 It would be too late, but it was not time to go to bed. Who would have thought that there would be a fight with a goblin? Yi Han never thought that Zhang Chenggong and his cousin would have such a relationship.

 Zhang Chenggong didn’t marry a wife in his thirties. It wasn’t that no one wanted him, but he didn’t want it. Yi Han used to be surprised, but today he found out that it wasn’t the person he didn’t like, but the person he liked was shameful. .

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