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The message received by the prophet is simple, 【The end of the global catastrophe, the beginning of a new era. ]

 There is more information on the system. The laws that they have been guessing for a long time finally made their voices through the system. After explaining some information, it disappeared completely, and the intelligence of the system was also taken away.

 "It says it's not a law, but a corrector of time and space. Its responsibility is to bring the crooked world back to the right path and prevent it from collapsing. What kind of nonsense explanation is this?" Yi Han felt quite speechless.

 "What is the reason for the creation of the world? He didn't say whether this is a novel or not. He also took away the intelligence of the system and left a function, which is to give back. How shameless!" Feng Qing's anger was not smooth.

 "The function of the system is very important to the unification of the early apocalypse, and it is indeed a feedback." Yan Yun was calm, and he started from a practical point of view.

 Shen Yu was also very calm, "It doesn't matter how the world was formed, whether it's a novel or not, for us, a world that won't collapse and doesn't force us to die is enough.

 " Rolling eyes, "You just say that we are not qualified to know too much and we're done." He also knew that being angry was useless, but he just couldn't help it. Who could not be angry if he was manipulated like this?

 It's not that Shen Yu and Yan Yun are out of ideas, they're just more sensible, but they have nothing to do with this damn time-space corrector, so they don't think so much about it.

 "We should be thankful that he is just a corrector of time and space. If he is really a god who can overwhelm mountains and seas, that would be a shame." Yi Han thought about it.

 Feng Qing sighed, "That's true. Time and space correctors can only use auxiliary methods to correct mistakes. Immortals depend entirely on their mood. It's really good." Shen Yu analyzed from another angle: "Actually, he has no intention of correcting mistakes.

 " It revealed a lot in the book, the concept of time and space, the relationship between the protagonist and the world." The phrase "Space-Time Corrector" is already very self-explanatory.

 Yi Han pondered, "That's right. We know the reason for the formation of the world. Heaven wants to use the power of the plot to follow the plot, but the creation of the world failed, so the space-time corrector intervened."

 "Yes, the creation of the world is successful now, so whether it is the Dao of Heaven or the corrector of time and space, they will no longer interfere in our lives, and the plot will not affect us, that's enough." Yan Yun added.

 "Indeed, as long as we can live a normal life, other things are really not that important." Feng Qing was also persuaded, but after thinking about it, it is true, knowing too much may not be a good thing, people should still be content and happy.

 "It doesn't matter if the system is taken away, I'm still alive, and I can still control it. Who knows what will happen to it when I'm gone?" He has been guarding against the system that will devour his mental power to replenish energy as soon as it comes in.

 Shen Yu has never handed over the system. Even the information department has always used authorization management. He has always sealed the system in the computer, so the system's spirit has never been free.

 "Yes, if the system intelligence is really going to be released, then a new communication system will be built in the future, which is not so easy to build." Yan Yun has long considered this issue.

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