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If it is restrained, it can't make a sound, but it sends messages casually. The mobile phone and tablet transformed by it can also communicate with each other regardless of distance.

 Although they couldn't stop the message sent by the information abilities, they could decipher it, so they had already seen all the information about the capital base and Zhenlong, as well as the news about the successful base.

 Now that Yi Han is about to recognize his father, the speed must be fast, and the Yuan family cannot be rushed to the north first.

 Yi Han also meant the same thing, "Yes," they can go directly to the capital, but it's not very cost-effective in terms of profit, and being a down-and-out poor relative will make people look down on them.

 [He Xudong = Yi Han, current residence address, Zhenlong Outer Base. 】Shen Yu felt that there was no need to explain too much. If he wanted to know the truth, he could just come and have a look. The number one person in the last days still has the ability.

 After editing the information, he showed it to Yi Han, "Is this okay?"

 Yi Han nodded, "Yes, just send it like this." As for whether his father would take it as fake information, he wasn't worried. Shen Yu didn't know, but he thought There are countless news that can tell true from false at a glance, and it cannot be false.

 The capital base is the largest base in the last days, and there are naturally many people with various abilities. There are five people with information abilities alone, but the system can easily find out the information code belonging to the military.

 The recipients of the end-time information all have their own information codes, but only those who have sent messages to each other can know who is who, but the system does not need it. It can directly analyze who is who, which is indeed cheating.

 A person with supernatural powers also needs energy to transmit and receive information. If the distance is short, the energy itself is enough. If the distance is too long, the crystal nucleus is needed. The more words, the more energy consumption.

 The energy consumed by the receiving party is not bad. Even if it is transmitted from Zhenlong to the capital base, the energy of the receiving party is enough. Otherwise, the information officers who are willing to receive private messages will have to pay for it.

 Most of the information officers in the last days have their own information codes. When a message is sent by an unknown information code, the information officers of the Flying Eagle Army can guess what kind of information it is at the first time.

 Guo Liang is not a regular information officer of the capital base. Generally, information will not be sent to him. There are two types of information sent to him. If it is an unfamiliar or unfamiliar information code, it will only be one .

 After receiving the message, he was super excited, and ran out with the receiving phone. The message receiver did not receive the message in his head, but translated it while receiving it, and then wrote it down.

 In fact, the messengers in the last days are similar to the telegraph machines in the past. When the messengers receive the messages, they will automatically analyze the codes and then translate them one by one.

 Guo Liang is a purely civilian employee. He was not a member of Flying Eagle before. He was a family member of the army who was rescued. He joined the team after awakening his abilities. His motor cells are not developed. people.

 After his brother was hit, he grabbed him and scolded him with a headache, "Why are you so irritable every day, be careful when you get scolded again." His younger brother, even if he joined the army, he didn't look like a soldier.

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