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The power awakening potion takes effect quite quickly, and there is still a process for the power awakening, but the awakening potion directly omits this process, and fully stimulates the potential of the human body.

 Ordinary people also have a problem with the failure rate of awakening. People who once had supernatural powers have no worries in this regard, and they can easily possess supernatural powers again. The awakening potion helps them repair the supernatural core.

 After Yuan Qing came home, this was the first time he went out. Seeing the results of the experiment, he was very excited, "Dad, I'll take it now." After the effect was confirmed, he didn't want to wait a minute longer.

 The repaired ability is much better than the awakened one. The awakened ability is all level one, but the repaired one is different. The original level is the same level as the repaired one.

 Yuan Guoqing looked at the person in charge of the Ability Research Department here, "Are you sure there is no problem?" Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he still wanted a guarantee.

 "Individuals have different physiques, but they all succeeded. What about Mr. Ling depends on the effect of his medication." The person in charge has no friendship with him, so he gave an official explanation.

 Yuan Guoqing didn't want to at the moment, and immediately began to put on his face. The official authority was very strong, but the person in charge was not afraid of him, so he pretended not to see it.

 Yuan Qing didn't care about it, and took the medicine directly, and the result was not unexpected. If others can repair it successfully, so can he, he has confidence in himself.

 If he was unlucky, he would have died outside a long time ago. How could he still have a chance to recover his abilities? He had no hope. After taking the potion, he finally recovered his spiritual power.

 Although his level of mental power is not high, only level two, but he is used to using mental power, and if he suddenly loses it, he will feel various inconveniences.

 He originally wanted to find a person with spiritual powers to sign a fair contract, but no one with spiritual powers would be willing to trade with him.

 People with mental power and perception abilities may not be very important, but they can't do without them, so there will be such a person in every team. They may not earn much, but they are the easiest.

 So unless it is someone who is really dying and has concerns, it is impossible for a person with psychic powers to give up their powers and contribute them to others.

 After Yuan Qing recovered her spiritual power, she was overjoyed. First, she experimented with the power, and after confirming that there was no problem, she ran outside directly.

 He finally didn't have to wrap himself up like a bear as soon as he went out. He was so happy. Seeing him so happy, Yuan Guoqing's face finally recovered.

 After he asked his bodyguards to escort Yuan Qing home, he began to discuss cooperation with the people in the Ability Research Department. As for who funded this project before, he chose to ignore it.

 The matter of the power awakening potion was also spread in the base by someone with a heart. The person who spread the news deliberately concealed the news. No one knew that the awakening potion was successfully developed with the support of He Jun.

 In fact, just like what Feng Qing said, the battle between Yuan Guoqing and He Jun is not something they can participate in, they just live their own lives.

 Yuan Guoqing has his own team and staff, and Feiying has his own management team. Their fight is definitely not a child's play, and they can fight as they say.

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