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Although Gu Feng has a cooperative relationship with the Zhenlong base, the fourth level is always different, and the vanguard of Zhenlong is different from the vanguard of the capital.

 Jingcheng sent someone to clear up the route first, but Zhenlong set out the route and set off directly. He didn't know what was going on ahead, and all kinds of accidents would happen. Naturally, sending messages back and forth by teleportation was not as convenient as using a mobile phone.

 Of course, this is a superficial statement. In fact, it is just a mobile phone, which is not easy to distribute. It is not appropriate for Dean Chen to give it to anyone. In the end, he just gave it to Gu Feng selflessly.

 Although Gu Feng and Zhenlong are considered to be in a contractual relationship, without him along the way, Zhenlong would definitely suffer a lot of losses. A relocation team without level 4 superhumans is just a piece of fat.

 The Zhenlong base naturally wants to win him over. I didn't look at the team he brought. Except for the two people who entered the guard team with him, are everyone else arranged in the car? Come on.

 Gu Feng didn't care much about cellphones. Even if the vanguards drove all off-road vehicles, they would be relatively free when there was no danger ahead, but he didn't think a cellphone that could send five messages a day would be of much use.

 If he has relatives, friends or family members in other bases, a mobile phone with Internet access is indeed important, but his relatives are all dead, and his teammates are all in Zhenlong, and none of them have a mobile phone. What is the use of this thing? Playing games ?

 How important is an internet-connected mobile phone, except for Feiying's gang, who would be willing to use it to play games?

 Although most people like to see the bright dots on the mobile phone map and feel that the road ahead is bright, Gu Feng is very confused about the future, he himself does not understand how he will go in the future!

 Most of the people who escaped together wanted to become stronger and return to the Beiyun base to take revenge, but he didn't have this idea. It didn't matter if he was cold, but he really didn't think there was any good revenge for this revenge.

 Why did those people riot? If they weren't forced to die, why did they resist desperately? Many people died on their side, but less people died on the other side?

 This cannot be said, and there is no way to say it, so every time his accomplice brings up this topic, he does not participate in it, and he has no sense of identity. The main reason why he joins the Zhenlong Guard is because he does not want to be forced to go back for revenge.

 In fact, after he was promoted to the fourth level, most of his companions wanted to go back to take revenge, so he thought it was funny. A fourth-level physical fighter should really be invincible after reaching the fourth level, naive!

 Gu Feng has been talking less and less recently, and he basically doesn't go to rest in the tents of his companions. He will bring Zhang Yang and Lin He into the guard team, because they never mentioned going back for revenge.

 Xia Xin never mentioned it, but she has an auxiliary ability, so she couldn't join the guard team, otherwise Gu Feng would have brought her into the guard team, and Xia Xin was the most sensible person among those who escaped.

 If Gu Feng had a mobile phone, there would be a lot of trouble. The mobile phone was handed over to him by Dean Chen when he was resting at night, and he also said some routine principles. He could only say: "I see." There was no way to refuse.

 He felt very tired, tired physically and mentally, and the guards were the most tired at night before they rested, because the mutated animals within a few kilometers around had to be cleaned up before they could rest.

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