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Feng Qing and his wife didn't quite understand Shen Yu and Yi Han's charades, but they could only guess that the team outside took such a big advantage, it's no wonder that Shen Yu was willing to let them go just like that.

 Although Feng Qing and his wife have never seen the battle scene, they can almost restore the battle scene from the tragic scene and the relatively glamorous status quo of the team.

 What is the combat power of a fourth-level plant? If they participated in the battle, it is impossible for them to not even have a piece of skin broken. Even if they have a healer, the wound can be cured, but the clothes cannot be so intact.

 Calculated from the injury time of the wound, and looking at the speed at which they cleaned up the scene, it can be seen that during the battle, they mostly hid by the side and did not move. Once the battle was over, they ran out to take advantage.

 Feng Qing is not a doctor who can't lift his shoulders or lift his hands. If he really has no ability to protect himself, Yan Yun won't feel at ease leaving him alone in various bases, so he can see the cause and effect at a glance.

 The contract is a layer of guarantee, but the premise is that he himself has a certain fighting ability. When he encounters trouble, he can wait for his rescue. Feng Qing's fighting ability is still acceptable.

 Although his ability is not of the combat type, the physique of the awakened person has a qualitative leap compared to ordinary people, and he works hard, not to mention other things, but his speed is no worse than that of a first- and second-level speed person.

 Feng Qing and Shen Yu are both of this type. Their abilities are indeed not of the combat department, but they have never stopped training since the end of the world, so their own strength is quite good.

 Shen Yu's behavior style, Feng Qing has also tasted a little bit, his own strength is strong, and there is such a man, this group of people wants to leave after taking such a big advantage, I have to say, it is too stupid.

 People are not kind and not ruthless enough, Feng Qing can only be described as stupid. It has been so many years since the end of the world, and it is rare to meet such a person who has not experienced the hammering of the end of the world.

 Although it may be that they feel that they have nothing to fear, they are so confident, but this idea itself is so stupid that people can't bear to look directly at it.

 Leaving aside strength, everyone knows how this brain grows. If Shen Yu didn't have any skills, would Shen Yu dare to show off his wealth like this? I have to say, he is so cutely stupid.

 Feng Qing and his wife didn't plan to help, they just wanted to watch the excitement, after all, they were in a business relationship with Shen Yu, and if Shen Yu didn't ask for help, it would be inappropriate for them to act.

 If Shen Yu let those people go without saying anything, Yan Yun would not be polite. If he just let go of a bunch of fat sheep who took other people's things, he would be called stupid, but the premise is that Shen Yu doesn't shot.

 But this is just thinking about it. From the moment Shen Yu attacked the former team, they knew how strong Shen Yu's mental power was, not to mention that there was an even stronger helper now.

 Although he was seriously injured, there were not many masters who could kill level 4 mutant plants by himself in the last days. How could such a person allow others to take his spoils.

 Yi Han was indeed unwilling. He didn't like this group of people, but he wasn't ready to kill them all, but the premise was to return what belonged to him. Only people who know the times can live long.

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