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After the apocalypse, news from the upper class is not too slow. It took only a day for the capital base and the Zhenlong base to spread the news, saying that they were heretics, but the prophet of the Zhenlong base was killed. This is too scary.

 There are three prophecy users on the north side plus Zhang Mei. Zhang Mei is unknown. She woke up too late. Many people don't even know her name. Gu Qing's mother and Chen Ping are quite famous.

 It is indeed intriguing that two prophets died one after the other. Just like what Yu She said, if the prophets can really predict accurately, why didn't they predict their own death?

 He Jun's killing of chickens and monkeys did indeed work, and the Yuan family never dared to send news of heresy outside.

 It's a new day, a new beginning, no matter what Yi Han thinks about his father, after his father's arrival, the mountain that weighed on them has temporarily disappeared.

 He Jun didn't go back to the camp to sleep last night, but slept directly at his son's house. He wanted Zaizai to sleep with him, but Zaizai quit.

 Although the new grandpa is very kind to him, they have only known each other for a long time after all, and it is no problem to play together, and he still has to sleep with his parents at night.

 The old man feels little, and He Jun is not considered an old man, but he did get up very early. After he came back from training for two hours, the meal for his son's family was ready.

 Although he is not satisfied with the loose life of his son's family, he also knows that this cannot be easily changed. His son is not his soldier, and he can't control it.

 The effect of the traditional Chinese medicine boiled from the mutated plants is indeed remarkable, and Yi Han finally doesn't feel dizzy when he gets up early, at least when he walks, he won't feel dizzy anymore.

 Zai Zai was very happy to see his grandpa when he woke up, "Grandpa, Zai Zai is going to ride a big eagle today." He was overwhelmed by the might of the big eagle last night.

 "Yeah, after dinner, grandpa will take Zai Zai to ride a big eagle." He Jun picked up Zai Zai and kissed him. Even if it wasn't the first time we met, I still felt like I was going to be cute. What a cute Zai Zai! .

 Zai Zai also kissed him, "Zai Zai likes grandpa the most."

 Yi Han hadn't even seen it with his own eyes, this little boy in his family is a ghost, look at this flattery.

 "Grandpa also likes Zai Zai the most." He Jun didn't think so, he was smiling, and started to hold Zai Zai high, and Zai Zai laughed and laughed, and the grandpa and grandson had a good time.

 Shen Yu felt that this was very good, Zai Zai had one more relative who loved him to the bone, and no matter what, he would never end up like in the book.

 Because Zaizai was frightened into autism in the book, Shen Yu and Yi Han had been paying attention to Zaizai all the time, making sure that Zaizai didn't even have nightmares for two consecutive nights, so they were completely at ease.

 He Jun still ate breakfast here, "Tell me about the successful base. Is the person who hurt you so badly the person in charge of the base?" He didn't have the habit of not eating or sleeping.

 Yi Han looked up at him, "Oh, well, he asked me to pick a level three energy fruit, and it turned out that there was a level four thousand poisonous fruit tree. I was only level three at the time, so I almost confessed to it there." He

 Jun It is stupid not to think that his son was deceived. He knows his son's character and never doubts people he trusts. There is no problem with this kind of character. The problem is the person who lied to him.

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