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The little thing did come here with his family. The squirrel is its father, and the little leopard cat is its mother. Now everyone has finally found the reason why it looks like a cat and a mouse. This is a cross-species cub.

 Not to mention cross-species, it has also mutated. Its voice is neither like a squirrel nor like a leopard cat, and its level is like riding a rocket, surpassing its parents by so many levels.

 The levels of the mouse father and the leopard mother are really low, only one level, no wonder the little thing ran away without staying overnight, probably because he was worried about the family, without its deterrence, who knows what would happen.

 The world of mutant beasts is much crueler than the human world. As long as the first-class mutant beasts do not live in groups, they will have a very difficult life. I really don’t know how these two animals raised Mao Bao.

 The leopard cat was very vigilant, it followed behind the big package dragged by its cub, and was very nervous, but the father squirrel was not afraid of life at all, and it even ran to Yi Han to ask him to eat pine nuts.

 Both the beast master and the mutant beast are sensitive, it can sense the difference in Yihan, and smell the pine nuts, so it ran over to ask for it.

 Yi Han took out all the pine nuts left in his pocket and gave them to it, that's all he had with him.

 Because the little things wanted to eat, he found Liu Qing and planted a pine tree. Only Liu Qing has the ability to ripen this kind of tree at one time. The pine trees planted by other plants cannot produce pine nuts on the same day.

 Father Squirrel is really greedy. It can be said that pine nuts are rarely eaten after the end of the world. He hid all the pine nuts Yi Han gave him in his mouth, and took care of Yi Han.

 "It's gone now, I'll give it to you when I go back." Yi Han understood the squirrel's habit of storing food, so he didn't think much of it.

 The father squirrel saw that he was about to come, so he turned around and returned to the mother leopard cat, and gave the mother the leopard cat the pine nuts that he had hidden just now.

 The leopard cat should be an omnivore, and it should not like to eat dried fruits such as pine nuts. I didn't expect it to eat quite deliciously, and it seems that it is not so nervous.

 "I'm so sweet." Feng Qing didn't have much resistance to Furry, but he didn't have a pet relationship, even the mutant beasts he had healed occasionally were unwilling to get close to him.

 "It's very warm." Looking at this pair, Shen Yu also felt very moved. The animal world is sometimes more pure.

 The little thing put down his big bag and started talking to Yi Han, "Chirp, Chirp, Chirp." It means that its parents let Yi Han raise it, and it will always help Yi Han hunt.

 It is very smart, even if it has only been raised for a day, it knows how to negotiate a deal.

 Yi Han looked at the cute family of three, it's okay, just keep a few more pets, "Yes." Of course, the content of the transaction must be clearly stated, it is impossible for him to offer such things as pine nuts every day.

 The little thing is different from the big cat. Once the conditions are negotiated, it will ask to sign a contract. If it doesn't want to make a verbal contract, just sign it. It doesn't matter to Yi Han, anyway, he has a quota.

 For a beast master of Yi Han's level, one more level of beast master can sign one more contract beast, so he only signed one wolf, and there are three places left.

Being A Cannon Fodder While Raising Cubs In End TimesWhere stories live. Discover now