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The hut is already very warm now, Shen Yu boiled a pot of hot water to help the family clean up, then opened the window and called Cang Lang in, wanting to help Cang Lang clean it.

 Before the wolf mutated, it was the size of an ordinary adult border herd, but after it mutated it was about the size of a cow. There was no room for it to move around, so it was not allowed to come in for the time being.

 I wanted to ask it to come in and clean it after it was cleaned up, but it turned out that it had already cleaned itself with snow, and there was no trace of blood on its black and white fur.

 It also buried all the bloodstains in the vicinity, fearing that it would attract other mutated animals after a long time. It can be seen how smart it is, and it only ran back when Shen Yu called it.

 The key is that when it came back, it still had a bag of prey in its mouth. It should have been hunted before the battle. Yi Han helped it pack it up. It was accidentally buried too deep in the snow during the battle, so the gang didn't notice it.

 Not all mutant beasts in the post-apocalyptic world are edible, many of them have viruses and will kill people if eaten, and all edible mutant beasts are poultry.

 Because of the type of supernatural ability, Yi Han never took the initiative to hunt and kill mutant beasts, but the gray wolf would bring something home every now and then.

 "Wow, woof." It claimed credit, it not only buried the blood, buried the poisonous prey, recovered its own prey, but also drove the team far away, and cleaned itself, very busy.

 Shen Yu patted it on the head, "Good job, I'll make something for you to eat later." It can eat those poisonous mutant beasts, but it never eats them.

 Because of the virus, Shen Yu and Yi Han couldn't help clean it up, and the wolf never ate raw food, so the mutant beasts it hunted were all virus-free.

 In the post-apocalyptic world, the most varied mutant beasts are not the wild animals in the past, but poultry in farms. Most of the mutant beasts are descendants of poultry, and they can still eat a lot.

 Canglang knew that he could eat the stewed chicken, so he barked twice happily, and obediently lay down on the carpet that Shen Yu specially laid out for him in front of the window.

 After the wolf is mutated, it is still a black and white flower of Bianmu, with a child on its body, and it can be seen at a glance that it is a domestic dog. Such a dog wants to kill and eat meat, and its character is too low.

 This is also the reason why Shen Yu killed the protagonist by Yuan Qing's team. It's not a thing for the protagonist to attack this team, but it's not a crime to die in the end times.

 Shen Yu didn't want them to die either, but he didn't pay any price, and wanted to label himself as the righteous party. It was delusional. After making sure they didn't leave immediately, he entered the house.

 After Shen Yu entered the room, he took things out from the space. He first took out two bottles of energy potions, handed one to Yi Han, and another to Feng Qing, "Add it.

 " "Thank you." He had never encountered such a situation before, so he was not prepared.

 Shen Yu shook his head, "I should be the one to say thank you." Regardless of whether it was a deal or not, without Feng Qing and Yan Yun, he couldn't save Cub Canglang, let alone Yi Han.

 Of course, even if this is the case, he still won't remind his sister of the news for the time being, just treat him as a villain, and he must let them see the true face of the vicious female supporting role.

Being A Cannon Fodder While Raising Cubs In End TimesWhere stories live. Discover now