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Shen Yuhui knew that Feng Qing and Gu Qing didn't know each other when they met, because it was written in the book that when Feng Qing came to settle accounts with Gu Feng, he felt familiar, so he remembered that they met once at Zhenlong Base.

 But the book didn't mention why their brothers and sisters didn't know each other when they met, and it didn't write Feng Qing so unreasonably, taking revenge when they disagreed.

 Before taking revenge, Feng Qing had confirmed with Gu Feng's team. After confirming that Gu Qing had nothing to do to the people in the team, she chose to avenge her sister, but she didn't kill everyone.

 In fact, there is one thing that Shen Yu has always thought was very strange. Gu Qing obviously knew that Feng Qing was looking for her, but she never wanted to contact her. It was really unreasonable to send a message to Feng Qing to avenge her when she was about to die. .

 Brother and sister obviously know each other, but they don't know each other when they meet. Gu Qing actually believes that Feng Qing will avenge her. It can be seen that they should be familiar with each other before, so why do they meet but not know each other.

 This point was never mentioned in the book from beginning to end, because Yuan Qing's ruthless attack not only disabled Gu Qing's ability, but also wanted her to experience the feeling of having nowhere to ask for help, so when Feng Qing got the news, it was already too late up.

 Because of Gu Qing's death, Gu Feng and Yuan Qing had a lot of trouble at that time, but when Feng Qing came to take revenge, they still stood on the same front and fought against Feng Qing and his wife together.

 The vicious female supporting role's offline time was much later than Shen Yu's cannon fodder three. Then Shen Yu and his wife would have died long ago, and Zai Zai was already dead.

 Gu Feng and Yuan Qing's relationship was already very deep at that time, and naturally there was no need for a matchmaker, so Zai Zai disappeared reasonably, the kind of disappearance that could not be restrained by a fair contract.

 It was because Gu Feng and Yuan Qing were already together that the female supporting role would do various things every day. Even when Yuan Qing's important subordinate was seriously injured, she refused to save her and just watched him die.

 Although Yuan Qing started out with a kind persona, whoever said being kind can't be decisive and ruthless, in short, Yuan Qing directly ruthlessly abolished Gu Qing, and Gu Feng just quarreled with him.

 Gu Qing knew that Gu Feng would not help her avenge her, and would even continue to love Yuan Qingen in the future, so she asked someone to pass the news to Feng Qing.

 When Feng Qing received the news and rushed over, the person who helped her spread the news did not speak ill of Gu Qing, they were all dead, and if anyone he knew would speak ill of her, they all felt that the dead were the most important.

 In fact, to Gu Feng's team, Gu Qing is annoying, not only has a serious princess disease, the treatment is also super expensive, never consider others, etc., but no matter what, the crime is not as good as death.

 Gu Qing did not refuse to save her team. Everyone in the team has been treated to some extent, and some of them have saved their lives. Who would speak ill of her in front of her brother.

 Yuan Qing abolished Gu Qing at the first word of disagreement, and let her die from serious injuries. Gu Feng's team did not have any objections. Regardless of what happened to Yun Qing, Gu Qing's presence was equivalent to having an extra life.

 The crystal nuclei that Gu Qing received are more expensive, but as long as she has the crystal nuclei, she can heal any injury, which is very rare. In this case, the news that Feng Qing heard is relatively one-sided.

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