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This meeting Shen Yu is in a bad state, he is fighting with the system in his mind, if he hadn't solved the host bound to the system in the first place, indirectly hurting the system, I'm afraid he would be a dead man now.

 The system is the materialization of mental power. Under normal circumstances, he has no chance of winning, but the reaction at that moment let him know that if he does not try his best, he will die, so he directly killed him.

 This decision was correct, the system did not expect that when it launched an attack, his first reaction was to fight back, not to block, and his counterattack also caused the immediate death of the host protected by the system.

 After the system lost its host, it lost 90% of its attack power, which was why it couldn't defeat Shen Yu, but was suppressed by Shen Yu instead.

 When Feng Qing treated him, it was also the most critical moment for him to fight the system. Without Feng Qing's mental power supplement, it would not be so easy for him to destroy the system's mental body.

 In fact, even without Feng Qing's help, he would be able to eliminate this half-disabled system sooner or later. He has too many concerns, and he can't let go of his cubs and men. This is the main reason why he can suppress the system's mental body.

 A person with a strong mind has a strong mental power. At the last moment of the battle, his mental power was upgraded again, and Feng Qing gave him a lot of help, so he could defeat the system so quickly.

 Although he defeated the system, the price he paid was not small. His mental power had become a mess, and it was impossible to stay awake, and he fell into a semi-comatose.

 Feng Qing didn't finish the treatment until the energy of the third-level crystal nucleus was used up. "The patient is no longer in danger. As for how long it will take to wake up, it depends on how well the patient recovers." After finishing speaking, he was about to leave .

 Shi Lin quickly asked: "Then how often do you come to check it?"

 Feng Qing looked up at him, "It depends on you, one crystal nucleus is checked once, as long as you pay for the crystal nucleus, it's fine to check ten times a day." The tone was light. Yes, but ironically.

 Shi Lin didn't hear it at all, and turned his face directly to the captain of the guard, who immediately turned cold, "Since there is no danger, we will not be responsible for the cost of the inspection." They are not being taken advantage of.

 Shi Lin wanted to say something, but was stopped by his companions, but Xu Sheng, the actual captain of this mission, finally spoke up, "Look, can you arrange a place for us?" Captain Changfeng felt that this was

 a Someone who understands, "Let's go." The person with space abilities hasn't woken up yet, so he definitely can't change his goods and leave immediately. It's normal for him to arrange a place to live.

 Shi Lin wanted to say something, but was immediately suppressed. He couldn't resist, so he could only walk along with everyone angrily. He didn't need to hold Shen Yu in his arms now. There was a stretcher in the clinic, and the other two team members carried it.

 Changfeng base is very tight on housing right now. There are a lot of people from outside. Many of them have to rest for a few days before leaving. There are not many vacant houses and the price is not cheap, so many people choose to build a shed by themselves.

 The sheds in the base are not for you to set up casually, you have to pay the land occupation fee, if you don’t want to pay, you can also choose to build it outside the base, but you have to be responsible for the safety issues.

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