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Although Gu Feng would let her go most of the time, he would not spoil her at this time. He knew too well what kind of step-sister he was, so he omitted the nonsense and grabbed the bag directly.

 Gu Qing was not as strong as him, so she was captured immediately. She wanted to snatch her back, but was blocked intentionally or unintentionally. There were quite a few people in the team who didn't like her. If she won the hearts of the people, she wouldn't end up like that in the end.

 If a person in the team is injured, as a healing department, it should have gone up to treat her immediately, but along the way, unless the situation is really critical, pointing at her to treat her immediately is a dream.

 Others suffered a lot along the way, but she didn't need to exert any effort, because she couldn't and didn't want to learn to ski, and she was dragged along by everyone in turn.

 They have also experienced many dangers along the way, and several people died, but every time they fight, she is protected immediately. When others are hungry, she still hates food, which is really annoying. .

 The injured people in the team were indeed healed by her, but not by Bai Zhi. Even the second-level crystal nucleus could not enter her eyes. Every time she healed well, everyone should consciously give her the third-level crystal nucleus.

 Lin He was more realistic. He felt that without Gu Qing's treatment, he would really die, so he was willing to give Gu Qing the fourth-level crystal nucleus in exchange for mutated fruits, but everyone else didn't think so.

 Gu Qing can eat and drink all the way, don't bother to walk the road, relying on others to drag her, she has no fighting ability, but she hasn't even broken a piece of skin, why is their protection so cheap.

 After the end of the world, there is an exchange of equal value, but they have paid a high price. Even if the wound is not fatal, they will have to pay the same crystal nucleus after the next injury. Who can feel no resentment.

 There were a few people in the team who ran out without crystal cores. After being healed for the first time, they did not pay for the crystal cores. As a result, Gu Qing refused to treat them after being injured. It was Gu Feng who paid for the crystal cores, so she treated them.

 She is not only a woman in the team, but also Xia Xin. Xia Xin's ability is not a combat type, but a life skill. She repairs the clothes that are broken in everyone's battles. She doesn't care if everyone wants crystal nuclear.

 After the end of the world, many abilities have been developed, like Xia Xin, there are many refining abilities, and there are also different types of refining types. Those who can refine attributes can be regarded as gold-type abilities, and their combat effectiveness is not bad.

 Those like Xia Xin who can only refine non-metallic products can only be used as logistics. She is the hardworking member of the second generation. Before escaping, she has been practicing and has all the materials. She can also make clothes.

 The clothes on Gu Qing were made by her on the road, and other people's clothes can be used if they are dirty. After all, they are on the road, but Gu Qing is unwilling. Xia Xin can only make a new set for her.

 The second generation escaped all the way but did not find themselves in a mess. It was not Gu Qing who was most grateful, but Xia Xin, who sewed for them every time after their battles.

 Basically, as long as she rests, Xia Xin is busy. When the clothes are repaired, she will help cook. I have never seen her being lazy. The key is that she never delays in battle.

 Although it is an auxiliary refining ability, after practicing for a long time, she can always find her own way of fighting. She can use the refined silk thread to entangle the prey and assist everyone in fighting.

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