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Although there are children in the success base, the oldest one is only three years old, and there is no one older than Zai Zai. He can't find it even if he tries to find it. Thank God, this is the first human friend he can play with.

 The same goes for Xie Tian, ​​there are a few children of his age in Zhenlong, but they have only come to Zhenlong not long ago, and they have been living in the outer base, so it is impossible for those children to play with him.

 The environment in the last days is not so harmless, and he also understands this, so he never thought about finding those children to play with, even if Zai Zai is still young, he would be happy to be coaxed by him, and lonely children also want to find companions.

 Zai Zai is much better than him in this respect. Cang Lang can't speak, but he is also a very good friend.

 Yi Han and Shen Yu also changed their shoes and entered the house. Canglang didn't care about them. There was a special door and floor mat for it on the balcony. It shook off the snow on its body and went in by itself.

 No matter how smart the wolf is, it can't open the lock, so this door can be regarded as a face recognition door, and it opens as soon as you take a photo. The big cat is so smart, and you can understand it at a glance. When the wolf opens the door, it squeezes in quickly. .

 The wolf is so angry, "Awwhhh" you dead cat, do you understand that first come first come first, even if the big cat is higher than it, it is not afraid, it knows that the big cat dare not hurt it, it is not stupid.

 The big cat pretended not to hear it, and took the bag to wipe its paws. It used to be a domestic cat, and it knew what the mats were for after looking at the mats. After cleaning up, it swaggered into the living room.

 The wolf was afraid that the big cat would snatch its kennel, so it simply wiped its paws, and ran to occupy the kennel at a high speed. Unexpectedly, the big cat had no interest in the kennel, and directly occupied the imperial concubine in the living room.

 One dog and one cat don't interfere with each other. The wolf felt that it was very boring, so he ran to the cub and lay down next to the cub. It also likes to watch cartoons.

 Zai Zai was giving Xie Tian a popular science animal film, the wolf occasionally hummed and echoed, the big cat was lazily lying on the sofa, and the breath of home came over his face.

 Shen Yu's restless heart has settled down at this moment. Home is the harbor of the heart and the support on the way forward. Home can also make people fearless. So what about fighting against the world for the sake of the family.

 At this moment, Shen Yu firmly believed that he might not be able to change his fate by himself, so the whole family could change it together. If the strength of their family is limited, then they should find the strong to cooperate.

 The rise of Gu Feng and Yuan Qing cost so many unknown and powerful cannon fodder, he couldn't believe it, organizing all these powerful people could not stop their rise.

 Although this is the world in the book, certain rules must be followed. Even Gu Feng and Yuan Qing cannot obtain powerful abilities out of thin air, otherwise the world will not arrange for them to plunder other people's abilities.

 If the world can really give them all the powerful golden fingers, why does it need him and Yi Han to sacrifice?

 Shen Yu finally calmed down and didn't think about it so much. For now, let Yi Han go to rest first. If he loses too much blood and doesn't make up for it, his body will be damaged, so it's better to make up for a few days.

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