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Shen Yu's guess was right. For a power like the Yuan family, it's really not difficult to just want a supernatural power. Since last night, people have been coming to the door one after another, but none of the people who sent them to the door have very good supernatural powers.

 Yuan Qing didn't want to pick any powers anymore, and he didn't want this kind of rubbish powers. When he was debating whether to choose one first, Yan Yun appeared.

 He had the deepest impression on Shen Yu. It was the first time he had suffered such a big crime when he was so old, so he would never forget Shen Yu's face, and naturally he couldn't forget Feng Qing and Yan Yun who made trouble.

 "How did you come in?" Yan Yun appeared too suddenly, he didn't expect it, he was really frightened, he shouted so loudly, just to remind the bodyguards in the next room that someone had come in.

 The residence of Yuan's family is higher than that of He Jun, but because He Jun takes the lead, even Yuan Guoqing can't go too far, so it's just a two-story villa, the area is not too big, and not all the bodyguards live here.

 The base in Beijing has a large population, so the land is tight, because the disaster will happen again indefinitely, so high-rise buildings cannot be built, so the area occupied by the Yuan family is not larger than that of He Jun's homestead.

 His family really wanted to live in a heavily guarded compound or something like that. Little Zhao Yu really couldn't break in with so many people.

 Because the house itself was protected, even during the daytime, only one of the bodyguards of the Yuan family was arranged here. When Yan Yun appeared, the bodyguards didn't even notice or expect it.

 For the teleportation ability, the research institute accidentally invented an energy shield. As long as the house is equipped with this energy shield, it can prevent teleportation ability users, but after activation, it will waste crystal nuclei.

 Most people can't afford the energy shield, but Yuan's family can afford it. Since Yuan Qing came back, the energy shield in his house has been kept open, with two first-level crystal nuclei a day.

 Yuan Qing never thought that the protective shield would not be able to prevent teleporters. He experimented specially, and even the person who brought him back was protected by the protective shield.

 Yan Yun played tricks on him lazily, and directly put the letter written by Shen Yu in his hand, "Your letter." After speaking, he sent it away, and the bodyguards didn't touch him when they rushed over.

 The bodyguard was a little confused. He didn't see anyone coming in or going out, but he did hear voices, "Master..." He didn't know how to ask, as if any question was wrong.

 Yuan Qing's hands were shaking at this moment, he was angry and frightened, he opened the letter vigorously, and then his face turned blue, "Call my dad right away." He was afraid.

 Yuan Guoqing's office is across the street, so he came back quickly, "Is that Yan Yun the person who came? What is he going to do?" Before the bodyguard came to him, he checked the protective device to make sure it was working.

 Feng Qing was famous in the capital base, and Yan Yun was not unknown. Their abilities were too special. Yuan Guoqing wanted to win them over two years ago, but it turned out to be a bit late, and they had already left the capital.

 Yuan Qing handed the letter from Yan Yun to his father, "You read it yourself." When he saw the letter, it was as if he had experienced the biting cold again.

 [If you dare to plunder other people's abilities, I dare to do it again. If I can make you lose one ability, you can lose it the second time, and the third time. If you don't believe me, you can try it. 】

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