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Shen Yu had already cleaned the hut almost, Feng Qing didn't intervene, he was a guest, there was no need to help others with housework, and he couldn't wander around.

 When Yan Yun came back from his second trip, Shen Yu had already cleaned up.

 "Can you rent the hut to us?" Yan Yun asked as soon as he came back. They could indeed live in Shen Yu's house for the past three months. The rules of the last days were like this, but he felt that it was inconvenient.

 Although it is not difficult to rent a hut or ask someone to build a house, it is very difficult to get a house like Shen Yu's. There is nowhere to buy it. No one would waste spiritual materials like this, let alone decorate like this.

 Yan Yun was also surprised that the base was so rich that he could use psionic materials to make electrical appliances. The key point was that the exchange price was so low that he and Feng Qing couldn't hold back, and traded a lot with Shen Yu using crystal cores.

 Psychic materials are considered scarce items. Usually, bases that obtain psionic materials are used to make engines for large-scale equipment. No base is willing to use psionic materials to make electrical appliances and houses.

 Changfeng Town is considered to be rich, but Shen Yu doesn't have any doomsday huts like this. Even the leaders don't use psychic houses, they all use ordinary collective heating, which shows how rare psychic materials are.

 If Shen Yu chose to live inside the base, they could just rent a house with heating, but it's not so convenient outside the base, so he missed this hut.

 Yan Yun has always wanted Feng Qing to live better. He didn't have the conditions before, but now that he has the conditions, he has to fight for it no matter what.

 "It was prepared for you to use, and there is no need for rent." Shen Yu didn't plan to let Feng Qing and his wife live in his house, and it was indeed not used to living with unfamiliar people.

 Although when migrating in the last days, many people often slept in a snow nest or tent, but Shen Yu had always been particular about it, even if it was hypocritical, who gave him the space ability?

 Shi Lin did live in his house, but he and Shi Lin were really not strangers, besides, when they met Shi Lin by accident after the end of the world, Shi Lin was not yet eighteen years old.

 Shen Yu really regarded Shi Lin as his younger brother, even if Shi Lin used things from the family to subsidize his girlfriend, his opinion was not as big as Yi Han's, and his tolerance was much higher.

 Of course, there are opinions, and he is also planning to find an opportunity to have a good talk with Shi Lin. Whoever thinks that the plan can't keep up with the changes, there is no need to talk about it.

 Although I also know from the book that Fengqing and his wife have principles and are worth dating, but no matter how close the relationship is, they should keep a certain distance. Besides, they are only a relationship of interests now, and it is not suitable for them to get too close.

 Naturally, he would not arrange the couple to live at home. Anyway, the hut is ready-made. Please ask the gold department to modify it, connect the sewage pipes, and then it can be used as a normal house.

 There is no water in the hut, but it is freezing and snowy outside, and I am afraid that there will be no water to drink. If you find it troublesome, you can also find a large bucket made of gold to put it on the top and connect it to the water pipe.

 Yan Yun was very satisfied, "Can we renovate it?" He was not very satisfied with the bathroom. It was inconvenient to take a shower in the bathroom without water and sewage. He also wanted to build a simple kitchen.

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