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The system does not have to be in front of the host to control other mobile phones, as long as it controls the extension to issue commands, and the mobile phone next to it accepts the commands, even if it is thousands of miles away, the three-no mobile phone can be connected to the Internet.

 When Yan Yun was selling mobile phones at the southern base, it happened to be a rally in the southern part. Several people from the base knew about the mobile phone and found him. As a result, he didn't have enough mobile phones, so he made a few mobile phones on the spot and sold them.

 From that day on, Yan Yun never sold a mobile phone again. It was said that he could only control so many mobile phones, but Yuan Guoqing didn't believe it. Who wouldn't leave some room for it!

 Yuan Guoqing was really willing to give up to Yuan Qing. In order to get Yuan Qing an internet-connected mobile phone, he could contact him at any time, beg He Jun with a low face, and even gave up a part of the profit. He was definitely bleeding.

 Of course, the interest given away belongs to the public to the public, and no one can say anything. If this part of the interest is exchanged for the crystal nucleus, it will definitely not work. Yuan Guoqing is not stupid, and he will never do the thing of digging his own grave. of.

 In fact, He Jun still understands his heart for his son. If Yi Han encountered such an accident and he couldn't keep up, his reaction would not be much better than Yuan Guoqing's.

 "What do you think of the conditions Yuan Guoqing gave?" He Jun showed Shen Yu the content of the conversation. Even if he approved of the deal, he would not directly agree to it. That would be disrespectful.

 Shen Yu really didn't read the rest of the chat at this meeting, "No problem, as long as the mobile phone is prepared over there, I can help with the operation." Yuan Qing has a mobile phone, which is more convenient for them to keep track of the latest trends, a good thing!

 The system can indeed control 200 mobile phones, but when Yan Yun sold the mobile phone, he stipulated that he could only send five messages a day. If there were not many people who sent messages, let alone control 200 mobile phones, three or four hundred would be fine. .

 But this is bound to have disadvantages. Occasionally there will be mobile phones that are disconnected from the Internet, so Shen Yu is not prepared to do that. In the environment of the end of the world, if the Internet is really disconnected, who knows what accidents will happen, two hundred phones are enough for the time being .

 Yuan Qing and Yan Kuan's destroyed mobile phones were already within the upper limit, so replacing their mobile phones can only be regarded as a replacement card, and the extra mobile phone is within 200 units, so it is not difficult.

 Yuan Guoqing was afraid that there would be an accident on Yan Kuan's side. After all, Yuan Qing was the only bodyguard by his side, so when negotiating terms, he mentioned that he would need to replenish two mobile phones, plus send one to the Zhenlong Base, so that he could help him. How can he do it without paying the price? .

 He Jun didn't bother Yuan Guoqing, and sent him a message directly, "You ask your son to get his cell phone ready, and someone from our side will guide the operation, and your mobile greenhouse is also ready, and I'll send someone to take it over later. "

 Mobile greenhouses are different from temporary greenhouses. It costs a lot to build. They are not plants, but carnivorous animals like poultry. Most of the base's meat supply depends on them.

 Feiying naturally has such a breeding shed, but who would dislike the abundance of meat? A mature breeding shed cannot be cultivated in a short time.

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