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The weather after Xiao Binghan is rarely sunny every day. If there is no strong wind for a few days, it is good weather. Five or six winds are not a problem, so even if strong winds are predicted, the migration will not be delayed. .

 People with supernatural powers are not afraid of strong winds. If manpower cannot resist strong winds, who would dare to use this method to relocate, let alone relocate, as for the usual patrols and search teams, who would dare to go out on missions.

 The weather forecaster also reported that there would be strong winds today, so the two groups of relocated teams started to blow strong winds shortly after they set off. This was also expected, and no one was relieved.

 But no one expected, why the strong wind suddenly formed a tornado, it was really formed suddenly, without any warning, a tornado formed, and some soldiers and vehicles in the back position were instantly sucked into the tornado!

 Originally, there were big trucks in the back team, and there were soldiers on the trucks. When the soldiers found something was wrong, they started to use their abilities, so the trucks were not involved.

 But early this morning, a modified caravan was suddenly added here. The key point is that there were only four people in the caravan, and its weight was limited, so they were also swept into the wind.

 Of course, it wasn't just a modified RV that got caught in the tornado, there were also more than a dozen patrolling soldiers and their motorcycles.

 The tornado came and went super fast, but the fighters of Feiying were not slow to react. All kinds of supernatural powers came out, and the soldiers who were swept away were rescued. The injuries were certain, but they were not fatal.

 The damage on Feiying's side is not serious, that is, more than a dozen motorcycles, plus clothes and some personal items, but the people in the RV were not so lucky, and they were taken away with their cars.

 Because the caravan was too big, and the shot was a bit late, and there were no fourth-level supernatural beings among the fighters behind, so in just a dozen seconds, it was not enough to fish out the caravan and everyone on it.

 When Yuan Guoqing sent the message, the tornado had just passed, and the team leader had just received the news. The disappearance of Dean Fang was a big deal. Compared with his importance, Yuan Qing could only be regarded as an addition.

 He is not Yuan Guoqing's person, so it would be nice to get a message back to him. If it wasn't for the Yuan family's insistence on doing it, the dean would be advancing in the team of the research institute right now. He was almost pissed off!

 "Is this how you rescued?" The reason why this rescue was unsuccessful was mainly due to improper command. After the accident, the soldiers were more partial to their own people, so they rescued their own people first, and the RV was taken away.

 The team leader is not an ordinary person. After knowing that all the soldiers in the back were rescued, he knew why the people in the caravan were not rescued.

 The captain at the end made a mistake, "I misdirected." Seeing the soldiers were suddenly blown away by the wind, he ordered everyone to rescue them without thinking. After the soldiers were rescued, it would be too late to save the RV.

 A gold warrior was afraid that their captain would be scolded, so he quickly said, "I used my ability to reinforce the caravan, and Dean Fang is also reinforcing the car, so it should be fine in a short time." "We also helped to reinforce it." Don't worry

 . The two team members also echoed.

 "The driver is at the third level of the wind system. When the vehicle can't hold on, how can he bring Dean Fang out? Let's wait for the news." Another team member of the wind system also interjected.

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