Chapter 35

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The rehearsal went well, and it got them both more excited than ever. They wore matching outfits, and their PAs delivered the good news, making the evening even more enjoyable.

'The song is going way off the charts.' Josh tells them.

'Yeah, and the video views are insane.' Kelsie adds in. She then grabs her phone and opens up a photo. 'Also, this has had the most liked and views of the week.' The image of Rory and Ryleigh being photographed on the red carpet. Rory gives her a gentle nudge.

'Told you it was a good idea.' He smirks, and she rolls his eyes at him.

Rory and Josh had to depart since the rest of the girls in the changing room needed to get ready.

'How did it go with Josh then?' Most of the week, they couldn't have caught up with the boys being there.

'It went amazing, Ry. I couldn't thank you enough.'

'So, are you going to go on another date?'

Kelsie shook her head.

'Your life is about to go insane, and I need to make sure you aren't doing anything reckless. Maybe once this is done, we might go again. We didn't talk about it.'

'Why don't you both schedule it in?'

'It doesn't work like that for us. Besides, you got some acting skills. I have a feeling you might be called to do some of that stuff too.'

'I don't think so.' Ryleigh says.

'Everything you were doing in the music video seems believable, from the both of you.'

Ryleigh went quiet for a second and started to go all shy. 'What if it wasn't acting?...' Kelsie looked at her, puzzled. '...The music video, the music awards, there not us acting. Well, I didn't feel like it was. It's something I could get used to with him being there.'

'Woah, so you never did it to get the media's attention?'

'That was the original plan, but it just felt real to me, and I didn't realise as much as I did now what he means to me.' Ryleigh had so much to say and was ready to burst. 'I think I'm in love with him. It shouldn't be that sudden. I've just ended a long term relationship.'

'Sometimes, you can't control how you feel about someone. I don't think you should hold back.'

'We've got to, we're in a competition, and it'll get complicated.'

Although, she fears that if she waits too long, he will vanish totally.

After watching everyone else's live performance, they were the last to go on and got called for the stage. All the way there, they walked hand in hand. Ryleigh had mixed emotions from all the positive impact they've had and couldn't help squeezing his hand repeatedly.

Finally, they both get their mic sets on, and Ryleigh is directed to the opposite side of the stage. Rory lures her in for a hug.

'I'll see you on the stage.' She tells him and follows the crew.

When the host spoke and introduced them, the audience erupted in cheers. Then the first note was played, and they strolled onto the stage. Rory takes the lead, which she appreciates because she hasn't been this nervous since the audition.

In some of the lyrics, he sings, making eye contact with her a few times, and Ryleigh does the same. Then, when the chorus kicks in, they jump along with the crowd.

As the song progresses, they begin to approach each other and smile. She turns to face the audience at one point, and he walks behind her and sings over her shoulder, his breath running down her neck. His free arm goes around her shoulders, and she holds onto his hand for a while. As they finish the last chorus, they look into each other eyes for the last time while the crowd cheers. They hug each other, and Rory keeps one arm on her and kisses the back of her head. The crowd was cheering for a long time, and the judges couldn't be heard over them.

'Guys, let's all chill for a second.' Bruce jokingly told the audience. 'That is how you end an evening show.' Of course, it got the crowd screaming again.

'I would talk, but I think the crowd is doing that for me.' Aimee laughs.

'I'm proud of you both.' Marcus says, and they went off stage.

The backstage crew were ready to collect the microphones off them, and both jumped for delight and clutched each other tightly, and Ryleigh began to cry.

'I can't believe that just happened!'

'That felt amazing. Come here.' Rory re-grabs her and cradles her in his arms while she sobs. The audience hasn't screamed like this since the show began, and it might be the only time they'll get that response.

Everyone gave them a standing ovation, and a group embraced when they returned to the green room.

Returning to the stage for the results, Rory and Ryleigh breezed through, and Kaylin was the next one to go.

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