Chapter 43

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The look Rory gave startled Ryleigh because that was not the reaction she was hoping for. He gave her the impression that he would say, "I love you like a sister." Ryleigh knew this was a bad idea; she should have known it made her look like a fool and knew their friendship would be awkward.

Jayden went on next, and she was unable to look at Rory. So Rory did the same and kept his eyes on the screen too.

Rory's heart continued to pound fast, and his feeling for her became real. He wanted to hold her close, but with people around, he had to resist, which is why he was unable to look at her.

When his name was called, he kissed Ryleigh on the cheek, which made her jump in confusion.

'Just listen.' He whispered to her, and he followed the backstage crew.

Once he had left, she turned to see Ester, Elliot, and Ashton grinning at her.

'What?' Ryleigh said.

'I hope you like it.' Elliot responded, and Ester pointed at the TV.

The stage went quiet, and he would start singing as soon as the first chord was strummed.

He did not even ponder on his thoughts. Instead, he opened with "I'm in love with you" and declared it was true. Hold on close and listen to the sound of his heart, and he is not ashamed of his tattoos hiding his scars.

He admits that until he met her, music was his only means of escape and that he doesn't want her to pay attention to what people thought about him because he had changed.

He goes on about losing his mind when he's without her and trusts her enough to let her in. He knows she won't hurt him and wants to kiss her again, hold onto his heart and take his hand. He dreams of them running away together and not looking back and that being with her is his only option.

Even his last song about his brother caught everyone off guard; Rory wouldn't write songs like this and the fact that she was listening made this one special to him.

Ryleigh was in tears. It made her feel happy and felt a love she had never been in before. His loving words about having a future with her gave her belief. L.A began to feel at home, and even if she didn't win, he would still be by her side because she wanted a future with him.

She was the only person he wanted to see when he returned to the green room. Ryleigh wiped her tears from her face as she grinned. She rushed over to him and tightly held him. He's glad of the reaction he wanted. They held each other for a while but eventually had to separate and gaze at each other because they had only one thing they wanted but could not do at the time.

'Thank you.' Ryleigh whispers as she gently let's go.

'You're welcome.' Rory whispers back, gazing down into her blotched red happy eyes.

Ester was the next to leave when the results were given, which devastated Ryleigh. She didn't want her to go, but it's what the public voted for. Going back to the house brought her down, but Ester lifted her spirits by toasting, "To the last girl standing." Ryleigh's phone buzzed with a message from Rory.

"We should talk, meet outside after everyone goes to bed? xxx"

She sees him in the corner of the room, looking at her, ensuring she got the message.

Ryleigh looks back at her phone with a smile and texts back,

"Sure, can't wait xxx"

After the party was over, she waited for Ester to fall asleep before texting him to say she was on her way. She couldn't figure out what Rory had planned but understood it to be low-key. She put on a mid-thigh black dress with a scoop neck, leaving her back completely bare, and let her hair flow carelessly. She looks around as she opens the front door.

'Rory?' She whispered.

'Over here.' He whispered back and could see him around the corner of the house and creeping up to him.

'What are we doing then?' She asks, getting closer to him.

'Come on. We're going for a drive.' He takes her by the hand and goes to his car.

He drives out of the gate as it opens automatically with no on-site guard.

'Where are we going then?'

He keeps his eyes on the wheel and smiles. 'I know you think the view from the balcony is beautiful, but I know a better one.'

She can feel his affection for her despite his eyes being fixed on the road. Ryleigh looks out the window as they travel through the nighttime streets of Los Angeles. They knew they weren't supposed to be out, but they shouldn't get caught either.

He parks up on a mountain cliff top; he thought this place would be the best to get some privacy and tell her how he feels about her. They get out of the car with her jaw dropped and eyes popping out, taking in the breathtaking panorama of LA shining brightly below. Rory leans back on the front of his car and can't help but stare at her in awe. She follows and sits on the front bonnet with her feet dangling.

'You're right. This view is much better.' She smiles, still gazing.

'Yeah, I keep forgetting that this is my home.' They giggle. After that, he looked down at his hands to think and then gazed at her. 'I meant every word.' Ryleigh looks at him. 'I wrote that for you.'

Her heart skipped away from the song to him telling her.

'I did too.' She responded, and he got up and leaned in, facing her while being comfortable in between her legs.

'I'm crazy about you, Ry. I've never stopped since I kissed you.'

'Me too.' She became breathless as he was close to her face.

He placed one hand on the side of her cheek.

'I thought I knew it all, and the only thing I needed was music. Music gave me a reason to escape. That was until I met you. You make me feel so alive, Ryleigh.' He touched her forehead with his and started to get breathless. She recalls those words in the song he sang tonight just for her and returned it.

'I promise I won't hurt you. I'm ready to take that risk, Rory.'

They exchange one more glance before he gently kisses her, she returns the favour, and he tenderly holds her face in his hands. She follows him as he moves deeper into her mouth, believing they are in heaven. He moves his hands to grip her tightly while continuing to give her a passionate kiss, expressing the love they feel for one another. She places one hand on his neck and the other on the back of his hair.

They both wanted to take this further and wished he could have her on the top of his car right now, but he wanted to love her the right way, make her feel safe and protected between some sheets. Rory would have done this years ago, but with her, this wasn't just another relationship; this was love to him. When he pulled away from her mouth, Ryleigh smiled brightly while blushing. He raises her chin with the tip of his fingertip.

'When this competition is over, I want you to stay here.'

'I've already decided that I'll stay. This is my home now.'

They smile at each other and hug tightly.

The trip back was peaceful and enjoyable. While his other hand was on the steering wheel, Rory had his hand locked onto hers in her lap. They stealthily return to the house after Rory has parked the car.

As they closed the front door quietly, she tugged on his arm, dragging him onto her while she leaned on the wall. Ryleigh had him move closer by pulling on his shirt and then gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

Now that she desires more than just a kiss and Rory can feel her rush of excitement and begs for it too, but they can't. They don't want this relationship to start while they are competing. It'll change how they act towards each other and put Ryleigh in a difficult position, with the media concluding this relationship started too soon and accusing her of cheating on her ex-fiancée when they both know it's not true. He pulls back, touching nose to nose.

'I'll see you in the morning.' He whispers to her and lets go while Ryleigh is breathing deeply, taking it in all and craving for him again. She makes her way back into her room, calming down from the rush she was getting.

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