Chapter 52

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She returned to the green room and grabbed some water, thinking in her thoughts. But, the realisation eventually sets in; this was a competition, and someone would have to leave. Ryleigh felt the pressure for this entire week and hoped never to experience this again. But, it made her realise when Ester left. She had an opportunity to do something; they all did, and she had to get her head back in the game.

'What'd you do, run?' Kelsie asks while she swallows all the water and crinkles the bottle.

'I wish it was something stronger.' She replies.

'I know the judges seemed a bit harsh about the team. But look at the positive, the song did good, and that's what counts...'

As Kelsie was talking, Ryleigh could overhear Rory being tense with Josh.

'I thought you said you kept it down low?' Rory says.

'I have. I made sure the editing team has not added the incident about your dad.' Josh said.

'What about us?'

'That too.'

'Really? Because it seemed Amiee knew.'

As Ryleigh gawped over, so did Kelsie, and they didn't like how the conversation was going.

'Hey. Let's not do this here.' Kelsie interferes, stepping between them.

'Why do you always come to me with bad news?' Rory asks.

'Would it be better if I didn't tell you?' Josh replied.

'What is this about?' Kelsie jumps in.

'He thinks their relationship was given away because of what Amiee said earlier.'

She scrunched up her face, 'I think you're reading into it too much. She's only insinuating that you two work well by having a good friendship. I don't think Ryleigh seemed bothered. What do you think?' She turned to ask Ryleigh, but she never followed.

'Where'd she go?' Rory said.

'I don't know. She was only next to me.'

'We better find her.'

Rory walked around what seemed in circles as he wished he could find Ryleigh. Whatever Kelsie and Josh thought, it was a hint of their relationship; he's sure of it. Also, he believes it's made him a not suitable candidate to collaborate with, which he would find hard to deal with once he goes solo. That's what he found harder to swallow, but it made Ryleigh involved with his problems again.

Down the corridor, Ryleigh looks at the photographs of every band that has been on the exact stage she's performing on now. She's thrilled and proud that she is following in the footsteps of legendary bands.

'Hey, what you doing here? We're all looking for you.' Rory sees her.

'I needed to look at something to remind me why I'm here in the first place.' She replies, not taking her eye away from the picture.

'You're here to win.'

'No. I was here to find myself and see if this was what I really wanted. I wasn't happy with what I had, and a change of scenery might be what I needed to realise I was lucky for what I had...It all changed when I got here. I always pleased people because that's what I thought I needed to do to get by.

'Now I'm doing something for myself. I've never felt so better, relaxed and free. I almost forgot this was a competition, but from what happened tonight, it's all becoming clear. The final is almost close, and now, it's all or nothing.'

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