Chapter 31

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After prepping her lyrics and ideas down, they make their way to the balcony of the boys' room as it felt better to work in, plus nobody knew they were here. The last time Ryleigh went in there, the boys' room was alright, but the longer they've been there, the messier it's become, with a minor stink. A cleaner does come around, but she does the bare minimum, and it's possible she's stopped doing their room because of the constant state.

She entered the room in the most comfortable clothing she'd brought here. Kelsie had to be persuaded that some loungewear was necessary, and they settled with some pattern genie pants as a compromise.

Rory sat outside on the balcony, watching the world go by as he reflected on Ryleigh and how their friendship had evolved over the course of their stay.

The hike has provided him with a sense of fulfilment that he had hoped for a long time. However, he didn't believe it would be a person who could bring him joy. Instead, he believed that music was his escapism and that he would spend the rest of his life doing it.

'Ok, so what idea's do you have?' She asks him.

'Ladies first.' He smirks at her.

'Fine, but don't laugh, ok?'

He nods.

'I don't want to write a soppy duo song.'

'That makes two of us.' He stated.

'I also don't want to write about how amazing one another is either.' Rory looks at her, confused.

'Ok, so what do you want to write?'

'I think we should both show off our talents, mix it up a bit. You can rap and scream in your songs. I think we should put that in.'

'Then we can put your belted long notes then?'

'Exactly. Let's give them something they didn't think they needed to hear.' Rory loved her strategy, and they might be in the top three if it works out.

'I still don't understand what you want to write about?'

'Well, I've been reading the news lately....' She paused for him to speak.

'Which I told you not to do.' He glances at her, ready to tell her off, and she gives a small laugh.

'I know, but the media thinks we have some sort of "chemistry" between us, right?' He nods. 'So let's just tell it how it is.'

Rory raises an eyebrow at her. 'But you just said you didn't want to write about one another?'

'Yes, but about what it'll be like if we were "together". That's all they're talking about. So let's give them a show.'

He smiles at her, understanding that this is a brilliant idea and that they must tread carefully.

'I noticed you're not wearing your engagement ring anymore.'

She shrugs, and the fact that she is single sinks in.

'I ended it with him. It wasn't working out anymore. So I've closed that chapter and opening another one.'

She turned a negative situation into a positive one. He should be sad for her, but he's relieved that Ryleigh is single and can now relax with her.

'I'll be fine.' She tells him.

Playing on the media's perceptions of them will result in more votes, and everyone will be talking about them. When one of her favourite band members would be in a new relationship, she never hated the person they were with because it wasn't her style, but she was happy for them. Plus, some people love it too that the would-be "shipping" them regularly. The song needs to do a perfect justice.

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