Chapter 55

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Ryleigh enters the scorching gravel and follows her PA to the record companies' building, which was her first stop in Los Angeles. When her feet first set foot on the legendary rockstar's tiled floor, it seemed like only yesterday; now, she was about to become one.

Thankfully, it was just a short walk from outside, and she was relieved to feel the air conditioning blow across her face. This was different from the heat she was going to get used to.

She, Ashton, and Elliot were taken into a separate room where they were getting ready for interviews with numerous reporters and photographers.

As Ryleigh's make-up and hair were done, she sighed, and her right leg twitched.

'You alright?' Kelsie asks and sits next to her.

'The last time I talked to the press was at the awards show. But Rory was there to help...I don't know if I can do this on my own.'

'Well, if there are any questions that you really don't want to answer, just say, "I have nothing to contribute to that."'

'What happens if they bring things up about Russell? What do I do then?'

'You can either tell the truth or state how happy you are right now in the final. Try and relate to the show and the final. You'll be fine.'

Ryleigh smiles tentatively.

She practically folds in half as she sinks into the L-shaped sofa. Elliot is next to her, and Ashton is on the other side of him. The journalist was seated at the end of the settee and gave his name as Tommy. Also with him was Lacie, who was filming them.

'Hi, my name is Tommy with Epic Sound, and I am here with the finalists for the big hit TV show, "Battle of the Rockstar".' He introduces himself to the camera, 'Ashton, Elliot and Ryleigh, welcome.' He turned to them, and they politely responded with a muttered "Hi".

'With the final this weekend, how are you all feeling?'

Ashton answered first, and the rest responded positively. At first, Tommy was going through each question with Ashton and then Elliot, giving Ryleigh time to think about her response.

'Ryleigh, from never singing and never performing to an audience. How much impact has it changed for you, and has it given you any thought of continuing after the show?' Tommy asks.

'I would say it was scary to start with, but the more I started to write songs, make music videos and perform. It all made sense, and I am happy doing it and would love to continue with music.' She replies.

'Where are you thinking of staying to write and record in the future? Here or the UK?'

'Um, I'm not sure yet. But when I do, you'll find out.'

'What has been your best moment while being in the TV show?'

'Er, I like getting new clothes.' She laughs, 'And er, probably the award show. That was...magical.' As she finishes, her mind jolts back with Rory holding her hand, guiding her through the night.

'I have to seemed that you have had a great relationship with Rory, and everyone went crazy when you wrote your track together...Was there anything going on between you two? So many people have speculated that the chemistry between you indicates that. Can you clear these rumours up?'

Ryleigh played the brave face, 'Going through this journey, Rory and I have created this amazing friendship, and I would love to work with him again and others in the future...Writing and performing with Rory was a fun challenge, and maybe we'll do something like that again in the future.′ She responded to a comment that was only partially true to be sincere.

'What would you take from this experience and for anyone out there who is willing to get into music?'

'Well...if you are determined and enjoy doing it, then go for it. I shouldn't have held off. You can succeed when you have the chance, the drive, confidence and willpower.'

'Final question. Are you going to win?'

'Oohhh, I'm going to have to. Plus, Rory told me to beat their asses, even if you are his friends. So, sorry but not sorry.'

'Sounds like Rory.' Elliot commented, and they giggled.


After a busy afternoon, she finally found some free time to phone Rory. After the interviews and filming the last shot of her music video, she needed to unwind, so she and Rory would spend most of the afternoon talking.

'Hey, beautiful.' Rory says.

'Hey, you.' Ryleigh says.

'I'm missing you like crazy.'

'I miss you more.'

During their video chat, he unveiled his residence, which was located in the highlands and had a sizable pool. It looked beautiful, and she loved the place before stepping foot in it.

The living room had a black leather sofa with medium grey painted walls, a rug in the middle and floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over the mountains.

The kitchen was the same size as the one in the house she's been in, with so many cupboards to fill. Next, he showed the balcony view from his bedroom, seeing the pool and other homes visible across the mountains.

The idyllic, sunny scene only encouraged Ryleigh to leave the UK forever and move in with Rory so that they could spend the rest of their life standing there and enjoying the sunrise and sunset together.

'I saw your interview today.' Rory changes the subject.

'How do you think I did?'

'Like you were a pro...' She smiled, and her insides went giddy. '...However, I'm slightly insulted that you called me a friend.' He jokes. 'But you emphasised love, which was a clever move.

She laughs, 'Have I been forgiven?'

'Hmm, we'll have to see.' Rory collapses into his bed and positions the phone, so he can see it.

She sighs and lies across the sofa. Her insides were spinning out of control as she looked at Rory on the other end of the phone. She hated the thought of him not being present and being able to touch her. Her skin became hot just thinking about it.

'I also have something to tell you.' Rory says. 'Another label has been in touch with me and wants to do an album and tour with them.'

'That's great. I'm so happy for you.' She said as she opened her eyes.

He smiles. 'Thank you. I have to wait a year for it to be released, but it's a start. I can't wait to get going.'

'I bet you can't.'

'I can't wait for you to be here.'

'Me too.'

It went positively silent. Those three magical words were on Ryleigh lips. She was hesitant to tell him but desperately wanted to. It was ever too soon, but she had felt that feeling since the day he left by her side.

'I'll see you at the final.' He says as he has the same thought.

'Yeah...' She smiled and heard a beep from the laundry room. 'Sounds like my load is done. Going to go and do some folding.'

'Wait! Before you do that. I've got to show you something.' Rory gets up from his bed while Ryleigh walks into the utility room. She watches him open a wardrobe door. 'Ta-da.'

'Wow! You did wash and put away.'

'I always keep my promises.'

'You sure do.'

'Why don't we keep the line going while you're folding? I don't have much on.' Rory insisted.

Ryleigh agreed and placed the phone in a safe place.

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