Chapter 24

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Setting off again to the studio for their next challenge, the film crew were making last-minute adjustments when Kelsie tapped Ryleigh on the shoulder.

'Can I talk to you for a second?' She sounded serious.

'Sure.' And pulled her into another room.

'So, I've found out what the challenge is, and it's a bit different.'

'In what way?' Ryleigh asks.

'This challenge is to write about someone...who is here to see you.'

Ryleigh looked at her in confusion.

'When you filled the form out, you were asked if you wanted someone to see you while you were here. You put Russell down, didn't you?' She vaguely remembers and nodded. 'Well, this is the challenge. They fly out the people who you asked for, and they are a surprise for you to see them today.'

'Why are you telling me? Aren't you spoiling it?'

Ryleigh was glad as Russell's arrival meant they could finally talk things out. Not hearing from him in a while started to scare her.

'Well, this is the thing.... he's not coming.'

'What?' Her heart sank, and his failure to appear left her angry and disappointed.

'And you're the only one who won't be having a surprise guest today. So I didn't know if you wanted to be there when they do it.'

'No, I want to be there. I'll be fine.' She said stubbornly.

'You sure?'

Ryleigh nodded.

'Ok, I'll tell the producers.'

She returned to the room after the talk, and they began recording. Again, Ryleigh did not lose her composure.

'So we have a surprise for you all.' Aimee said, 'We've called some people you might be missing.'

Everyone had figured out what was going on, and she attempted to respond in the same way.

'So Jayden, we have brought your mum to see you.' Bruce said. Behind the judges, a door opened, revealing Jayden's mother, who Jayden approached and hugged. Everyone in the room couldn't stop grinning.

Then, Elliot's girlfriend came out. Her blonde hair and petite figure got them both excited to see each other he picked her up and started to cry.

Ryleigh couldn't picture Russell's reaction if they ran into each other again, especially given what was happening.

Ester's twin brother emerges, and the two embrace; they really look alike, and Blake's father also appears.

Marcus went to the door where all the guests entered and reached a little hand.

'Rory, there is a little one here to see you.' And then a small brown-haired girl in a black dress with red polka dots came, shouting 'Daddy.' Rory's face lit up with joy, and he knelt as she rushed up to him and cuddled him. It also made Ryleigh smile. He lifted her and carried her on his hip, as all eyes were on her.

When Ashton's girlfriend entered, he was thrilled. Then Tessa's older sister and Kaylin's best friend entered, wearing the tightest top and shortest skirt imaginable.

'And that's everyone.' Aimee said. Ester and Rory exchanged glances with Ryleigh, who gave a slight smile.

'What happened?' Elliot asked Ryleigh.

'He didn't get on the plane.' She shrugs.

'So your challenge is to write about the person you asked to be here and what they mean to you.' Marcus says and studies Ryleigh quickly. 'You'll get to spend some time with them, and they can come with you to the studio and do video shoots. Enjoy.'

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