Chapter 59

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The sound of the dial tone shook forcefully through her cold body. However, the ringing noise was going on for too long, and Ryleigh was just about to hang up.

'Hello? Ryleigh?' The line finally picked up.

'Kelsie, I'm so glad you picked up. I'm sorry to wake you.'

'Uhh, hang on, let me go somewhere quiet.' She hears Kelsie struggling to get out from under her covers, followed by the slow creaking and sudden click of a door. 'Ok, what's up?'

'I know I'm supposed to be here for two weeks, but I am thinking of coming back early.'

'Oh, ok, when do you think you'll come back?'

'Hopefully tomorrow.'

'Wha- Why?'

'My family, they don't get it. They think I can just come back here and forget it all happened. Russell thought that we were still together.'

Kelsie paused, 'When you told him it was over?'

'Yes, and I told him about Rory. He's now blaming me and thinks it's all my fault. I can't stay here without knowing my family isn't supporting me. I hate it.'

'Ok, calm down. Leaving early isn't a good idea. The last thing you want to do is resent your family. Trust me. I've been down that road. It's not pretty.'

As the wind strikes Ryleigh's eyes, they moisten and eventually become tears. The jet lag and exhaustion have caught up.

'I didn't know. I'm sorry I put this on you.'

'No, it's ok. You didn't know.' Kelsie says and she sighs. 'Listen, Ry, spend some time with your family at least. I didn't speak to mine for a good few years when I broke up with my ex. They hated that I left him and thought joining the entertainment industry was wrong, and they expected me to be a housewife.

'So, I stopped talking to them. It wasn't until four years later when my brother called, saying our dad died of a heart attack and told me when his funeral was. What I am trying to say is, don't do something that you might regret and have a burden with someone for years and never know if they would have forgiven you or not.'

'I'm sorry that happened to you.'

'It's ok. You need to go back in there and tell them you're not changing your mind and get them to visit at some point this year. Give them something to look forward to.'

'Thanks, K. I knew I could rely on you to make me feel better.'

'You're welcome. Good luck with it all. I'll speak to you soon.' They exchanged goodbyes, and Ryleigh got off the swing and returned to the house.

When Ryleigh entered the room, they all stopped talking when they realised she was there. She didn't hesitate to linger in the stone-cold silence and went straight to the point.

'Look, I know you all think this is crazy. But to me, this is something else. I want's all I wanted. So I'm not going to change my mind about what I've been saying to you all today, but I was hoping you could support me. I want you to be there for me, and I would like you to come and visit me at some point to understand this better.'

She then laid her eyes onto Russell, 'And Russell, the last six years have been great. But for a long time, something hasn't been sitting right with me. It's not your fault in any way. You did nothing wrong. For a while, we have been on different pages.

'I rang and texted you multiple times, and you never answered. So I took it as a sign to meaning that it was over. But then, I was getting close to Rory, and it seemed right. Nothing happened between us while you and I were together. But I stopped believing in us because you did, and I had to let go.'

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