Chapter 18

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Ryleigh was late for her workout. It would be better if she didn't go; doing something physically hard in the early hours of the morning was never her thing. When she awoke, dreading the prospect of going, she closed her eyes and slept a bit longer. The plan was for her to sleep for a few minutes, but she ended up sleeping for another twenty minutes. She sprang out of bed, realising her mistake, and scrambled for anything to wear within easy reach and suitable to sweat in.

Ryleigh was nearly racing out the door with ease, confident she'd make it with ten minutes to spare, but she came to a standstill as she remembered the promise to make Rory breakfast. So she made something quick to eat and left it with a note beside his bedside table. She heard the shower running while placing it, so she figured he was in there.

She was thinking about how Rory would appear wrapped in a towel on his lower half with his tattoos on his chest and arms, like a painting that wanted to be explored more and more each time you looked. Her other option is to stay and wait, but she'll have Kelsie yelling in distress at her for not sticking to her timetable.

Without time to lose, she left.

Rory emerged from the shower to find tea in a black cup, a toasted bagel with melted butter, and a note leaning against the mug.

"Soz I couldn't have breakfast with you, but here is some like I promised.

We'll have one together soon.

Gone to my workout, and hopefully, I won't die.

Ry x"

He chuckles as Ryleigh tells him how much she despises her workout. Even if he isn't committed to bulking up his body, a workout now and then helps clear his thoughts. And doing so while filming the show has inspired him to use his training as a stress relief on occasions. Plus, it gives him time to think about what to do with Ryleigh.

Every time he spends time with her, the possibility of being more than friends taunts his heart. Instead of being lonely when he used to stop getting close to someone, the prospect of her not being around makes him feel even more lonely. She was like a breath of fresh air to him, and he didn't even realise it.

Rory sits on the bed, toying with the note and reading it over and over, wondering if this is the best way for them to communicate from where their friendship is currently. Small gestures like this might become their little secret, a more sophisticated method of showing their affection for one another—a better way to express his feelings for Ryleigh.

So, he grabs a note and pen and beings writing.


The tiredness and strain on Ryleigh's body make her lazier to get her to do anything. But also the dredging call she's got to make to Russell. Most of the day, she goes around how the conversation will turn out in her head, distracting her from writing the perfect track for the live show.

The cords weren't syncing or blending as smoothly as she'd wanted. It took a long time to get the first verse perfect, and figuring out where to put the screamo bits was tough.

Ryleigh refused to take a break; instead, she wrote down the problems bothering her. By the time she'd finished, the inspiration had finally started to flow. Ryleigh is becoming increasingly enraged by Russell's lack of faith in her loyalty to their relationship. Also, she begins to wonder if there are even any feelings towards him. The more she wrote about it, the better the words for her song became. But the cords still weren't coming together.

Rory had just returned from the recording studio and was getting ready to roam around the home when he heard a faint on-and-off singing from the balcony. He crept up to the open door and watched the back of Ryleigh. As he tried to listen to what she was trying to achieve, he listened to the frustration in her voice as she stopped and crossed out a line on her notepad.

In his jeans pocket, he kept the note that he meant to surprise her with, but now, he thought of something better.

Rory returned with an open bag of chips and a fizzy drink, making sure Ryleigh knew his presence.

'How was the workout?' Rory starts the conversation.

'Urgh. Tiring. Don't think I'll be able to lift my arms for internity.' She responds, and they laugh together. 'Studio go good?'

'Yeah, I think I'm on to something.'

'Well, at least you do...' Ryleigh mopes.

'Do you need a break?'

Ryleigh shakes her head. 'I need to have something to start with the studio tomorrow. If I stopped now, I wouldn't carry on.'

'Well, it's a good thing I brought some snacks for you.'

Ryleigh looks at them and smiles, 'Thanks. I haven't eaten at all today, really.'

'You're welcome...' Rory gets up, '...I'll leave you to carry on. But if you're out here when the sun goes down -I'll have to come and get you.'

As he walks away, Ryleigh laughs and catches his heart-throbbing smile.

She opens the chips without hesitation, feels something that isn't soft, and pulls it out. She unfolds the cheese-streaked piece of paper and reads,

"Try this...R x"

A handwritten score of notes was on the sheet, and she hummed the music to herself. The melody worked perfectly when she performed it on the guitar. After that, she tested it with her lyrics, and it seemed to work. Finally, the epiphany she's been waiting for.

Her heart falls and beats a little faster due to Rory's kindness, and her head hurts from feeling that way. But, as she spends more time with Rory, she begins to see a better picture of herself as he encourages her in becoming the best version of herself and knows when to give her personal space.

Rory didn't leave the room because he wanted to see whether it worked, and when it did, he listened to the song playing and her getting back into the rhythm. It results in a happy smile on his face.

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