Chapter 23

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Ryleigh couldn't stay in this house anymore and needed that extra space away from everything. But she needed company, someone who was on the outside looking in but knew more about the issues than she understood.

'Hey Kelsie, can we meet up?' She said on the phone, and they decided to meet at the diner Kelsie took her to when she arrived here.

Ryleigh disguised herself by wearing a hoodie, glasses, and a hat. Her popularity rose faster than ever, and she was the subject of every music and television article. They explained why this good girl is hanging out with the ex-criminal and if they share any common interests. One of them suggested that he was merely playing mind games with her to break her winning streak?

They also speculate that Rory might have spiked her drink due to his past with the drugs. It frustrated her even more, wishing she could defend him as she sat in the booth reading one by one.

Ryleigh's body temperature is confused by the climate here, and she has to remove her hoodie, yet the house is freezing thanks to the air conditioner. She keeps forgetting it's warmer out here.

'Hey, there, girl.' Kelsie greeted her and took a seat opposite her, and Ryleigh took her glasses off. 'So, what did you want to talk about?'

'I quit.'

'You don't mean that.'

'I do. All I've done is messed up my life, and for what reason? Thinking that this is what I wanted, but it clearly isn't.'

'Ry, you had a bad week. This will be old news tomorrow.'

'Not to my family and Russell, it won't be.'

'I take it you had another fight with him?'

Ryleigh sighed as she gazed out the window and informed Kelsie what Russell had said.

'Do you still want to be with him?'

'I - I don't know, yes, maybe?' Ryleigh looks down at her hands, fiddling with her phone.

'How do you feel about Rory?' Kelsie queried, and she went quiet, and her stomach started to ache.

Kelsie's friendship has been wonderful, and she hadn't had a close friend to talk to like this in a long time, as her best friend from childhood died in a car accident when she was 15 years old. Ryleigh raises her eyes to her.

'He's just a friend.'

'He isn't, and you know it. The way you two look at each other is something else. I see a spark in your eyes every time you're near him. Your heart beats fast, sometimes, your stomach is tied in knots, and you think about them when you shouldn't. I feel like that when I'm with Josh, and you do the same with Rory.'

'Is it wrong of me?'

She shook her head. 'No, you can't help who you fall for.'

'What do I do about Russell?'

'It's not my place to say, but you should go with what your heart says.' Ryleigh had some time to reflect, and perhaps now is the time to be selfish and not please everyone. 'So, you're not quitting, are you?'

'I don't think so.' Ryleigh responded.

'Good, because if you did, I don't get my bonus at the end.'

'Selfish bitch.' And they laugh. 'You need to do the same with Josh, don't you think it's time to?'

'You're important at the minute. I've got to keep you out of trouble.' Kelsie winks at her.

After her much-needed discussion with Kelsie, the change of scenery and the delicious food made her feel better to be back at the house.

The prospect of quitting was a recurring topic of conversation until Kelsie talked her out of it. It's true; she's falling in love with Rory faster than she imagined. However, she also thinks they are going steady too, but there have been occasions when fate hasn't been on their side, and they were on the edge of kissing for the first time over breakfast. No matter how guilty she felt, she wouldn't be able to stop herself if it happened.

At the same time, this is a competition, so she must focus more on the end goal rather than allowing her emotions to take over. If she isn't careful, it could be seen as a sign of weakness.

Ryleigh inhales a familiar scent as she enters through the door.

'Oh good, you're back. The Chinese food just arrived.' Ashton spots her by the door.

'Yes, my favourite.' She goes to the table.

'Do you want a beer?' Rory asks.

'It's ok. I can get it for myself, thank you.' She walks right past him and into the kitchen.

'Alright, but I was getting myself one. I was just saving you time.' He pursues her, and she reciprocates with a grin.

'Look at Rory trying to save the day.' He loved it when she teased. Ryleigh opened the fridge and handed one to him.

'Are we all good now?' He said seriously. She shuts the fridge door and looks at him.

'There was never a problem. It was just me and my thoughts overthinking. The last thing I wanted to do was bring you down with it.'

'I don't mind that. I want you to tell me everything you feel.'

'Some things are made for a song.' She grins at him, and her mysterious ways make his heart gallop.

'I can't wait to hear them.' He whispers to her.

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