Chapter 50

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They had one more day in the studio, which had some back-and-forth conflicts with Jayden, and it did annoy everyone, even Ryleigh. She doesn't get agitated too often, but from all the bickering, they were finally on the verge of finishing it.

It was a struggle for Rory to keep his frustration at bay, as he seemed paranoid if anyone would ask what he thought of his dad's comments. It was written all over his face, affecting Ryleigh's ability to concentrate on the song.

'Ryleigh, please don't worry about me. Let me get better in my own time.' Rory pleads as he's watched her struggle all day, knowing it's his fault.

'I know you are....' She replies in her softest and kindest voice. '... I'm feeling a little bit tired. That's all.'

'Why don't we all stop for a bit and recharge ourselves?' He suggests, and she nods. 'I'll ask them.'

When they all agreed with the idea, Rory led Ryleigh out of the room. He took them to an empty recording studio down the corridor and dimmed the lights once they stepped in.

'What are we doing in here?' She asks.

'I thought you could have a nap on the couch.' He replies.

She gives a tired smile. 'That's very kind of you.'

He grabbed her hands, 'I have every right to treat you, especially in any way, because of yesterday...' He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. '... it's my way of being sorry.'

Ryleigh huffs happily, 'You don't need to keep showing me your forgiveness.'

He cups her face. 'God, I'm so desperate to kiss you.' He whispers close to her face.

'Hmm, I was really desperate to lay next to you last night.' Ryleigh slipped out.

'Let's do that now while we have the chance.'

Rory takes her to the couch. He lays down first and waits for Ryleigh to slide on and get comfortable. She lays her head on his chest while he strokes her hair.

'Sleep, Ry. I'll wake you up when it's time to.' He softly spoke.

Thirty minutes later, Ryleigh hears a mumble.

'Hey, beautiful. It's time to wake up.'

She stretches her limbs while noticing Rory looking at her.

'Is it time already?' She asks.

'We have five minutes. I thought it'll give you time to adjust yourself.' He replies.

As she gazed into his hazel eyes, it gave her a flirty proposition that he undoubtedly couldn't refuse. Suppose it'll help Rory get through the day. It's worth a shot.

'Five minutes, eh?' She teases and gets up, going to the recording booth.

'What are you doing?' He asks.

'The room is soundproof. Is it not?' She opens the door and throws a seductive glare. Ryleigh closes it. The door then opens shortly after, with her hand reaching out, dropping a piece of clothing onto the floor.

Without wasting time, Rory jumps off the couch and into the recording booth.

'No lights.' She demands.

'Oh god, but I really want to see you.'

'You will in given time.' She steps closer to Rory.

'Are you naked?' It's too dark in the room to tell.

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