Chapter 26

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Her schedule allowed her to concentrate on her song, and she decided to write about letting him go. It may be the total opposite of what everyone else is writing, but she wouldn't be writing or performing for the right reasons if she ignored it.

Ryleigh exits the booth and slumps down on the sofa, waiting for her confused emotions to subside.

'That was really good.' Kelsie compliments, 'I can see it being in the top three this week.'

'Thanks. I don't think I could get away with sugar coating a song for the night.'

Kelsie agreed, but something about Ryleigh's body language didn't add up.

'Is there something else bothering you?'

Ryleigh hesitated to say anything as she looked across at her.

'Ever since you mentioned my feelings for Rory, I can't help but think if it's the right choice to move on so quickly.'

'Look...stop pondering continually in your head; it's not helping you. Is this because you haven't heard back from Russell?'

Ryleigh nods. 'I guess you mentioning it has given me a kick up the arse to stop hesitating. But yes, not hearing from Russell is starting to bug me.'

She gets up as Kelsie opens the door and follows her out.

'I would take it as a sign of moving on now.' Kelsie says.

'I know, but somehow I can't.' They walked down the corridor to the car.

'Ryleigh!' A little voice called her. She turns to see Layla.

'Layla? What are you doing out here on your own? Where's your dad?'

'He's in this room. Come with me.' Layla grabs her hand and opens the studio door to the recording room, where Rory is behind the glass singing.

In his song, he included a techno beat. It sounded exciting and memorable. But, irritated with himself, he came to a halt halfway through.

'No, those lyrics don't work either. Need to cut them down.' He shouts out.

'Ok, I'll let you re-think and try it again.' The sound guy told him.

He glances out the window to see Ryleigh with Layla, surprised by her being here, and he comes out of the booth.

'What are you doing here?'

'I just finished, and Layla saw me.' Ryleigh shrugged. 'It sounds good what you're writing.'

'Yeah, thanks.' He scratches the back of his head, 'I'm struggling with some of the lyrics.'

She takes the paper from his grip and hums the music in her head. Rather than the lyrics, he created a catchy tune that his daughter would like to listen to.

Rory writes about dating a girl who is obsessed with him too much, and Ryleigh has an idea for him. As he lets her think, he looks for Layla and spots her with Josh and Kelsie.

'I think you should try this...' She rewrites his lyrics and tightens up the verse, but it's still legible.

'What do you think?' Ryleigh asks.

'That's it! Thank you, Ry, it was really bugging me.' Rory felt relieved. 'How's yours coming?'

She sighs, 'You know, it's nice to let out all the anger that I never thought I had. Being honest pays off for me.'

'Well, I'm sure everyone will understand where you're coming from like we do.'

'I hope so...' Even though she intended for what she said to be positive; it still brought her a grieving pain that might be the start of a heartbreak.

'You've not heard from him, have you?' Rory is aware of her despair. He didn't mean to pose the question, but it was written on her face.

'No...I don't want to talk about it.'

'I get it, but please don't let it bring you down. You're much better than that, and you deserve better.'

She nods, 'I know I do.'

Rory was on the verge of telling her he wasn't worth it and to move on, but it was only because he wanted her all to himself and not because he felt sorry for her. So instead, he took her right hand and gently brushed his thumb on the back of it. Ryleigh stared down at the faded tattoos on his fingertips, as his warmth was captivating.

'Ry...' Kelsie calls out. Yet again, she swipes her hand into her Jean pocket, hiding the crime.

'Yep.' She responds.

'It's time to go, or you'll be late for your gym session.'

She smiles at Rory, who is blushing slightly, and walks out.

'Have fun. Bye, Layla.'

'Aww, can't you stay?' Layla moans.

'Come on, Layla, you can help me finish my song.' Rory tries to get her attention.

It's generous of Ryleigh to help. Even if it's a competition, she's willing to go out of her way to help him finish his song. So hopefully, one day, he'll be able to repay the favour.

'Hey K!' A man called out while Ryleigh and Kelsie were down the corridor. He runs towards them with his scruffy hair and a nice blue flannel shirt.

'What is it, Josh?' Kelsie replies and becomes a little shy. Ryleigh took a couple more steps forward, oblivious to their conversation and that she would most likely be the third wheel.

'I was wondering...' He slowly starts, '...that err maybe...would you...' Josh's nerves worsened, and he sighed. '...could you take a look at the calendar? Apparently, some of us are having trouble accessing it.'

'Oh...right. Sure.' Kelsie responds, slightly deflated.

'Great, thanks.' Josh gathered himself and left, humiliated.

Kelsie turned to look at Ryleigh, smirking.


'He was about to ask you out and then chickened out at the last second.'

'No, he wasn't.' She replies, trying to brush her off.

'Sure, and I'm standing on my head right now.'

'Whatever you thought you saw, you didn't see it.'

Kelsie walks past in big strides, desperate to leave. Ryleigh had no option but to follow her out the door and decided it was worth a shot to get them going.

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