Chapter 6

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That night, the guys gathered in the games room, where they took turns playing pool and drinking copious quantities of liquor. Then, when they'd had their fun, they sat on the couches and talked about whatever came to their minds.

On Rory's mind was Ryleigh. Something about her attitude towards life is so uplifting and fresh. He appreciated on how she responded when he shared his story. This is the first time no one had ran. Its still burns on his skin the way she followed the outlines of the rose on his forearm earlier.

He was keen to give her a tattoo, in fact, too keen. He loved her persona of not giving herself away too easily and confidently admitted it was a turn on.

Rory noticed the mistake, once she introvert back into her invisible shell. She's engaged, and her other half is watching. The last thing he wants the public to think he is a girlfriend stealer. But she is pretty, and attractive and he learned where his boundaries are set once they talk again.

'So what do you think of the girls? They've got something?' Dylan stated.

'Yes, they all pretty badass.' Elliot mentioned.

'Well, I've got one of six so far, like to try the others.' Blake teased, and they all looked at him, disapproving of his remarks.

'That's not cool, you know.' Ashton told him.

'So? I don't care. If they want to go for it, I'm not stopping them.' The majority of them sighed and rolled their eyes.

'It looks like Ryleigh told you already.' Rory mocked him, and he didn't like Blake's arrogant attitude toward the women, presuming he could get every girl into his lap.

'I like her, but I found it surprising that she's never done anything to what we've all done.' Jayden inquired.

'I don't think it matters. She seems to make pretty good music.' Rory responded with a defensive tone.

'No, I can see that. It's just surprising. You seem to get along with her well?'

'Yeah, well, she seems to be the first person that doesn't see the bad stuff that I've done and not treating me differently because of it...'

He seemed happy to support her, but speaking aloud in front of cameras bothered him. When Ryleigh was mentioned, he felt compelled to protect her as much as possible, even when she didn't ask for it. He used to control what he said, but he didn't want to with her. He aims to raise popularity, but he doesn't want to be seen as a weak target or an asshole like Blake.

'..I got to know who I am facing up against, you know since we're in the same team.' Rory attempts to rescue himself.

'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...Smart.' Ashton said to him and raised their beers to it.


That evening the girls relaxed on the couches by the pool with the warm flames circling the middle. Ryleigh caught up with Ester, proudly displaying the hummingbird tattoo on her right shoulder blade and the glow back into her purple hair. The rest of the girls had changed up their looks too.

'So, did you sleep with Blake or not?' Harper asked Kaylin.

'What if I did? I don't kiss and tell.' She teased, and Ryleigh stayed silent but thought she was childish. 'Who would you sleep with one of the guys if you have to?'

When Harper responded, they seemed to form a mean girl group, which was not her idea of fun. Tessa and Ester chimed in, but they were quick to answer and then interrogated her.

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